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From New Zealand and around the world, fly-fishing and saltwater fishing information. Fishing articles, stories, tips, books, and more. Plus 1345 fishing quotes and sayings, and more to come!

New stuff on the site

“Fish” Used in Idioms
Brighten Up The English Language

Pen and Ink

5 New Fishing Quotations
12 Jan 2021: Total now 1345 – New quotes numbers 1341 – 1345


Milly and Ted’s Big Day Out Fishing
“You think more of that boat and fishing gear, than you do me.” – A bit of humour

Fishing Competitions in Today’s World?
Are fishing competitions something we should confine to the past?

One eyed trout

How Fishing Dogma Can Blind Us
It can hide opportunites to increase catch rates.

How to Correctly Remove a Fishing Hook From a Human
Act quickly, easily, without pain, unlike the methods in new videos.


Very Famous Fly Fisherman’s Dirty Little Secret
VFFF seemed to have forgotten that New Zealand is a very small country, where everybody knows everybody, and the names and addresses of half the sheep!

Trout Dying To Get a Good Photo?
“Grip and grin” can all too often turn into grip and kill.

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All Fishing Articles Index 
Fly-fishing articles index
Saltwater fishing articles index
Fishing Tips & Tricks index
General  Fishing Articles Index

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1345 Quotes, Sayings and Aphorisms on Things Fishy.
Find quotes on everything to do with fishing. Subscribe to the blog for new quotes updates.

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‘Fishing Smarter for Trout'
My first trout fishing book Fishing Smarter for Trout is now up on this site and free to read. Includes regular updates and new stuff.

index of all fishing tips pages

Tips to Catch More Fish
Find plenty of tips, tricks, how-to, and hints on catching more or bigger fish whether fly-fishing or saltwater fishing.

Maori Greenstone (NZ Jade) Hook Ornament

Bish on Fish in New Zealand Blog

Bish On Fish Blog
News, and views on fishing, and fishy things, from New Zealand and around the world. Get the latest fishing quotes. Subscribe to keep up-to-date with all the new stuff.

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Answers to Over 150 Fishing questions by readers.
New page and information layout should make it much easier to search and find information.

Fishing Books By Tony Bishop (Bish)

Fishing Books by Bish
A list of published fishing books I wrote on fly-fishing and saltwater fishing. Includes reviews.

Site map for Bish & Fish in New Zealand

Site Map
At long last I have found my round-to-it and produced a Site Map. I forgot how much the site grew over the last ten years.

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