Stories, articles and books from over 20 years of writing about fishing – time sure flies when you are doing what you like doing.
My web log is updated about every two or three days, often more.
Except when I am away fishing somewhere – funny that.
It is a good way of keeping up with changes on this site, and what is happening in the fishing world.
Fly Fishing Stories
Stories and articles, pre-dominantly about trout fishing, in New Zealand. The
stories range from how-to – to the weird and wonderful.
Saltwater Fishing Stories
Stories, articles and how-to’s from New Zealand saltwater fishing, from
inshore to out-wide for big game fish.
General Fishing stories
Stories and articles about fishing in general, life, the universe, and the
whole damn fishing thing.
‘Fishing Even Smarter
My first book – ‘Fishing Smarter, The Thinking Fisherman’s Guide
To Saltwater Fishing In New Zealand’ was reprinted at least once every
year since first publication in 1997, and was still going strong till it was replaced in November 2005.
Fishing Smarter is completely rewritten as ‘Fishing Even Smarter’, which has over
50% more pages, with all new, clear diagrams and illustrations.
Smarter – Fishing for Trout‘
My latest trout fishing book, aimed squarely at fishermen new to the sport. It is written in a clear
way, devoid of jargon, and should help you to start and catch fish quickly.
-Starting Smarter’
A book designed to get the new fisherman catching fish as soon as possible. Aimed at the new saltwater Fisherman.
‘Tips & Tricks to Catch More Fish
The third book, and back to salt water fishing. The title says
it all.
‘Fishing Smarter for Trout
A book in which I have tried very hard to avoid much of the jargon and downright dogma that pervades too many fly fishing books.