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Answers to Your Fishing Questions

The questions on this page have been either sent to me or were searched for via the search facility on this site by the on-site, or other, search engines. Questions are sorted alphabetically, but with the newest questions first.

There are still some questions waiting on answers. Some I need to do a little more research, others are waiting for me to find my round-to-it.

How can I get better results from searching this site or the net in general? (Remember if you use Google, Yahoo, MSN and some others as your search programmes, you can specify to "search this site".)

Questions that cannot be answered are usually questions that are just too broad. For example:

"How do I use bait?" – for what, where, etc.

"How do I fly fish?" – are you kidding, go to any bookshop and see how many books there are on the subject, some are even mine.
"How do I catch…(fill in the name of a fish)? – No question this broad is going to get answers, you need to do some research yourself, and get into book shops or search the net for the fish you want to catch.

How do I tie knots?" – well you will be getting the picture by now.

Please ask specific questions.

Fishing Spots

Asking me to give out info on my fishing spots is not going to get an answer – I have spent to much time and effort finding them!

But there is a very good guide to fishing spots throughout NZ put out annually by NZ Fishing News Magazine. This is very thorough and covers fresh and salt water.

There has also been a number of books published that have details of good spots. A number of good books with detailed informtion on fly fishing rivers and lakes are available. The NZ Fishing site has detailed information on fly fishing spots, with maps.

All these guides will certainly put you in close proximity to good ‘spots’. They are not expensive and very thorough.

But no guide or book that lists spots has detailed information of just where to anchor at these spots in various tides, currents and wind conditions. Neither will the the guides show trout ‘lies’ in any detail. Very often ‘near enough‘ is not.

And as an unashamed plug, in my books ‘Fishing Even Smarter‘ and ‘Fishing Smarter for Trout’, I cover the subject of finding fishing spots and lies in some detail, and for slat water how to anchor in various tides, currents and winds – as I believe this knowledge is critical to becoming a successful angler.

Fishing Regulations including Catch Limits for both fresh and salt water

I do not put fishing regulations on the site because they vary too much by area around the country, and change too often. It is up to the angler to ensure they know the regulations for the area they will be fishing. All tackle stores should have copies of the local regulations; the Dept. of Fisheries supplies them free.

Your freshwater licence has full details of the regulations in the area. There is no licence required for saltwater fishing, (yet).

Big sea bass