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Can’t catch brown trout on luminescent Flies that glow in the dark? It is a myth…

14lb brown trout

(Above) 6.3kg (14lb) Brown on Lumo Fly

I caught this 6.3kg (14lb) (31.5" long) Jack brown trout at 10.30pm on May 2, 1998 at the mouth of the Hinemaiaia River as it flows into Lake Taupo, NZ. The fly was a size 10 Booby fly with black head, lumo body and a big tuft of black marabou for the tail. Fished on a rocket sink shooting head with an 18 inch, 8lb leader.

There is a wide spread myth that brown trout do not take lumo flies. This is a myth. All the large browns I have caught in lakes at night, at least twenty fish over 8lb, have been caught on lumo flies.

For more on Taupo, New Zealand, fly-fishing

Viva wet fly

Article written by Tony Bishop (Bish)

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