New Rapala Lure Development Insight

by Bishfish on March 11, 2006

An article in the New York Times Business section, of all places, gives us a unique insight into the development of a new Rapala lure, the X-Rap.

The X-Rap lure may have come-hither eyes, but it’s motion is what makes fish go wild. Things like the ‘Rapala Roll’, the lure rolls to flash the belly, as it ascends, just like a baitfish in trouble. See this for the full story.

For more information on how important action is, in a fly or lure, have a look here. It goes some way to explaining why I believe their actions are more important than their appearance. And there is a bit of a message about life, the universe and the whole damn thing in that last sentence.

pixel New Rapala Lure Development Insight

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