Great News for Great White Sharks

by Bishfish on January 3, 2007

The New Zealand Government has announced a complete ban on catching or selling of parts of Great Whites. This is great news for a fish that is coming under increasing pressure throughout its wide range.

Now if we can only organize some kind of world boycott of fishing fleets (mainly Asian) that are involved with the truly barbaric shark finning industry. Millions of sharks are being killed every year, in horrific fashion. The sharks are hauled on board, their fins cut off, and then dumped still alive back in the water.

Too sad, especially when you know that most Asians don’t like shark’s fin ssoup. It is primarily eaten at banquets for special occasions. Originally serving shark’s fin soup endowed great prestige on the host because shark’s fin was hard to obtain.

But now, supplies are such that hopefully the diminishing prestige gained because of ready supplies will kill the whole damned industry off.

pixel Great News for Great White Sharks

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  1. National Geographic on Sharks – Facts
  2. Shark Finners Answer Back
  3. Killing Great Whites Should be Banned Everywhere
  4. Lure of the big catch robs ocean of valued species
  5. Saying a slow goodbye to Jaws

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