Fly Fishing, Fly Presentation, Mending – MidCurrent

by Bishfish on September 6, 2007

The excellent MidCurrent site has come up with another wonderful article, this time on controlling the line on the water. The illustrations are very clear and helpful.

“A good friend of mine, who has been a guide for many years, always draws a distinction between those clients who can cast and those who can actually fish . (He maintains that the former outnumber the latter by a wide margin.) Casting only helps you throw the line through the air. But the fish don’t live in the air. They live in the water, and the water is usually moving.”

Fly Fishing, Fly Presentation, Mending – MidCurrent

pixel Fly Fishing, Fly Presentation, Mending   MidCurrent

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  1. Fly Fishing How-to: A Mending Primer
  2. Fly Fishing Techniques: Beyond the Swing
  3. No Casting, is it Fly-fishing?
  4. How to Land a Trout
  5. Loop to Loop Line Connections

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