My son bought me a new fly-fishing vest, but when I first saw it I thought ‘what the hell is this’ – another fancy gadget? I have always got by with a the standard type vest, and on reflection, “got by” pretty well sums it up.
Standard vests have a few design problems, which those of us that have used them for years have come to live with. Especially when walking and wading for more than a few kilometers.
For me the major issue was the fact that if there was any weight in the front of the vest the the neck area rode up and rubbed away the skin on the back of the neck – plus it tended to pull my back into a curve – not good. Coupled with this was the fact that the vest just would not stay put – it rode forward or sideways – in a word (or two), damned uncomfortable. But I wore them tell they rotted away, and then replaced them with another just as uncomfortable one.
So I tried the Fishpond Gore Range Tech Pack and it works as advertised – it is absolutely a joy to wear. It fuses backpack technology with vest design. It does take a little time to adjust the shoulder and side straps – but once they are all in order, it is really comfortable. There are plenty of pockets and the zip-down fly pockets are in just the right place. There are number of designs in the range to cater for a range of needs.
Despite my original misgivings about looking like some space-age gadget nut, I am sold, would not fish without it.
Disclaimer: I do not do paid or solicited endorsements
Update: Since writing this, and on the advice of a back Doctor I have moved to a hip-pack. Seems that for many of us who have back problems a hip pack or bum pack is the more sensible choice.

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Bish, would you mind taking a look at a vest by a small independent company, actually an experienced fly fisherman from Montana and a retired engineer named Les Zuck. I’d be curious to know what you think about his TechVest at
Sorry about the delay in replying but I have been away fishing, funny that
I took a look at the Zucks website and based on that info alone I think the design looks good. Most things where they ought to be, and plenty of room for storage.
I liked the fact that the vest itself is positioned high on the chest, which means there is more freedom of movement for the angler’s arms. There appears to be plenty of pockets etc. for storage.
The straps look to provide enough control for all the shapes we fishermen come in.
The expanding X elastic cords on the rear are a great idea. Too many jackets have storage at the back that is either too small or too big so gear stored there moves about.
I am not sure I like the ‘tool box’ idea – and yes I know it is perhaps a personal foible – but I like my tools – nippers, forceps, fly floatant etc were I can reach them without looking, without undoing flaps.
That is about it, except maybe to add some padding under the straps over the shoulders – some sheep skin perhaps – wonder where I got that idea
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