How Fast Can Fish Swim?

by Bishfish on December 1, 2007

“Speed rules. Nothing gets the adrenaline going faster than watching your backing rip off your spool with ungodly rapidity. Or closing your eyes and listening to the sound or your drag melting. I did some quick searches on fish speeds, to get an idea of the fastest fish.

Anything posted on the Internet must be an absolute fact, but just in case it isn’t, consider these numbers loose guidelines. And this has nothing to do with power, endurance, sustained speed, or fighting ability, just pure top speed, even if for a short burst.

Pacific Sailfish = 68 mph, Mako Shark = 60 mph, Wahoo = 59 mph
Mahi Mahi= 57 mph, Blue Marlin = 56 mph, Bluefin Tuna = 44 mph
Swordfish = 40 mph, Bonefish = 40 mph, Yellowfin Tuna = 40 mph
Barracuda = 36 mph, Tarpon = 35 mph, Rainbow Trout = 23 mph”

From Fishing Jones

pixel How Fast Can Fish Swim?

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{ 1 comment }

  Mikaela April 29, 2010 at 9:26 am

How fast do goldeye’s or hiodon alosoides swim?

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