Internet’s Most Expensive Fly Reel

by Bishfish on January 24, 2008

From Flyfish Magazine Blog comes the story of your next gift hint:

“According to Google’s Shopping search the award for most expensive fly fishing reel goes to the Hardy Zane Ti Saltwater Fly Fishing Reel available for purchase from for the paltry sum of US$9,700. Don’t worry, for that price they will include free line, backing, and fly rod.The design and the features of the Zane Ti are shared with the Zane and they are exceptional.

It’s in the Letters Ti, though, wherein lies the difference. Consider this. The creation of the highest grade aluminium reels demands around six minutes of engineering on today’s machines. With a titanium reel, this process takes six whole days to hand craft one reel. The result is a stronger, lighter reel totally impervious to corrosion.Hardy only makes six of these reels each month and they are hand polished by the Hardy Girl herself. We would be pleased to review one if they feel the urge to send it. We mean the reel not the girl… “

pixel Internets Most Expensive Fly Reel

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