NZ Felt Sole Ban – Update

by Bishfish on September 3, 2008

The ban on felt-soles will come into effect in New Zealand on Oct 1 2008. (The situation regarding the Taupo area is still not clear.) The ban will include the Taupo region and conservancy.

The opposition to this ban is gaining steam, with a number of groups pledging to fight the ban.

NZ fishing guides are talking of taking action based mainly on safety – there is simply no alternative to felt soles currently available that provides anywhere near the slip resistance on slimy rocks and boulders.

Many fishing clubs are pledging to join any court action against the ban, again on the basis of safety, especially regarding older anglers. “Does someone have to die to prove the stupidity of this ban”, seems to be a common theme. There is talk of a disobedience campaign.

Retailers are up in arms as well – what do they do with their stocks of felt sole boots?

The whole ban issue seems to be backed up by the notion that if it is not safe to wade without felt soles then don’t wade, which means for the majority of our rivers, don’t fish.

If we cannot fish then close the didymo infected rivers completely to all users.

pixel NZ Felt Sole Ban – Update

Related posts:

  1. Didymo and Felt Soles in New Zealand – the facts
  2. A Hole in One, Then the Other
  3. Wading Woes Overcome
  4. Winter in The Other New Zealand Fly Fishing Destination
  5. The Winterless North


Anonymous September 3, 2008 at 4:02 pm

Opposition? Seriously?
There’s a-plenty of good rubber soles on the market and more coming. Maybe this will be just waht’s needed to spur manufacturers to come up with something really, really good.

Bishfish September 4, 2008 at 1:38 am

Yes there is opposition and it is growing, based primarily on safety. On smooth hard boulders, with algae rubber soles, including the best of them, Aquastealth, are all but useless and therefore dangerous.
I had the misfortune to prove this myself when trialing a pair in our late Summer this past March. Without a buddy alogside I would have fallen in twice crossing a top-of-thigh peice of water.
On safety aspects alone banning felt-soles is a bit like banning crampons for climbers.

Anonymous September 4, 2008 at 3:18 am

Boo hoo. Sounds like wankers crying because they'll actually have to change their ways. Bet they bitched about C&R and barbless hooks too.

Jonsky August 25, 2010 at 12:29 pm

How goes it? Is the ban still on?

Bishfish August 27, 2010 at 4:15 pm

Yes, the ban on felt soles in New Zealand is still on and there there does not appear to be any reason why it would be revoked any time soon. Opposition to the ban has pretty much disappeared.

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