The Death Grip

by Bishfish on December 11, 2008

deathgrip thumb The Death Grip

If you are into releasing fish, salt or fresh water, holding a fish as shown in the photograph above is almost certain to severely injure, or kill, the fish.

If you must touch the fish make sure your hands are wet or use a wet cloth or wet gloves between you and the fish.

Never touch a fish’s gills, they are extremely delicate and just touching them can damage them. If you must lift a fish in your hands, hold the fish under the gill latch in one hand, and just in front of the tail with the other.

Never, ever, not even once, lift a fish out of the water by holding the belly area.

You will almost certainly damage internal organs. It reduces survival chances dramatically.

For more on releasing fish with the maximum chances of survival go here.

pixel The Death Grip

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  1. 5 Rules for Releasing Fish for Maximum chances of Survival
  2. Prompt Release Critical to Fish Survival
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  4. Hook Removal From Humans – Update
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