Trash Flies for Fly Fishing

by Bishfish on December 4, 2008

No, not the flies that gather round your rubbish bags in Summer, but flies to catch fish using items found in trash.

junkcaddis thumb Trash Flies for Fly Fishing

Fly Fish Magazine has an interesting article on tying flies using  materials rescued from all sorts of discarded stuff that would usually end up in the rubbish tip.

Carolina fly tyer, Brad Sprinkle shows that a bit of creative recycling can be a real asset at the fly tying bench. The fact that it can save a bit of money on materials is a definite bonus as well.

pixel Trash Flies for Fly Fishing

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  1. Imitation or Approximation the Key to Tying More Effective flies
  2. Flies So Realistic They Fool Flies
  3. Barr Flies
  4. Booby Flies – top producing flies in still water
  5. The Road to Wingless Wet Flies or Flymphs

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