British angler lands monster stingray in Thailand

by Bishfish on February 27, 2009

giant stingray 300x180 British angler lands monster stingray in Thailand

British angler Ian Welch landed what could be the biggest freshwater fish ever caught with a rod and line.

The giant freshwater stingray was caught in Thailand and weighed 772lbs. It was so massive that Welch needed 12 other people to help get it out of the water.

But fear not the fish was released after tagging and DNA samples taken. Welch is part of a team tagging giant stingrays in the Mekong river.

Full story here.

pixel British angler lands monster stingray in Thailand

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{ 1 comment }

Giant freshwater stingray October 27, 2009 at 4:13 pm

The Giant freshwater stingray was caught by Dr.Ian Welch and the Fishsiam team in Thailand.
Fishsiam has safely captured and released 122 different stingrays in a two year period.

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