Giant Eel attacks big trout in NZ

by Bishfish on October 10, 2009

eel Giant Eel attacks big trout in NZThis pretty rough video shows a big New Zealand eel doing its very best to eat a fairly big trout that was being played. The anglers managed to get the trout away from the eel and release it. I do not know what language the cameraman is using.

Eels like this are native to and common in New Zealand and many European anglers come here specifically to fish for them, they can grow to 50kg (110lb).

They can give you a decent fright if one swims nearby when you are wading. They are found in crystal clear and muddy water.

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  2. Fly Fishing in the Balkans?
  3. Sexy Loops Goes Fishing in New Zealand
  4. Eel or Trout?
  5. How to find trout to fly-fish to after a flood or high water

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