Month: November 2009

5 More Fishing Quotes and Sayings – Nov 22, 2009

Have just up-loaded 5 more quotes and sayings, numbers 896 – 990. Three of them, on the subject of ‘catch and release’ may stir up some flak from some quarters.

My pick:

“Catch and release is not merely an art of fly-fishing, not necessarily learned or suitable for some fishermen, but it is one that should be used only on waters where it makes real sense and not simply imagined sense. Where and when it is practiced, it should always be for the sake of the trout, not for the sake of the angler. If any benefits accrue from its employment, then these are due to the fish alone. If not it become an act of selfishness.”

– Bryn Hammond

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes

New Fishing Quotes and Sayings – Nov 12 2009

Five more quotes and sayings, and for a change, a poem, about matters piscatorial and fluvial, ready to swim through the streams of bits and bytes are up now – numbers 891 – 895.

My pick of the catch:

“(with trout) we are touching something unrestricted, wild and arcane, beyond the reach of those who carefully maintain one-dimensional lives. There is, I tell myself, someone in the city nearby whose one contact today with unreconstructed nature will be to step into a diminutive pile of poodle excrement.”

Russell Chatham –No Wind in the Willows

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes

5 more fishing quotes and sayings – Nov 1, 2009

Five more fishing quotes are up now, numbers 886 – 890.

This one is my pick:

“Have you ever noticed that trout seem to take better as our fly gets more ragged? Think I’ll start tying ragged flies. Hell, on second thought, I don’t even have to think about it, because my flies come out of the vise that way.”
– Jimmy D Moore

This quote is very pertinent to me. Have a look at this article and the allure of the Rufazgutz fly

“The first rule of successful fishing tackle retailing is first catch your fisherman.
I saw far too many illustrations of the truth of this rule in my years in the tackle business to argue against it.

This rule is based on a simple premise – the better a lure or fly looks to the angler the more likely money will change hands. The paint jobs on some lures are so good you could swear they could be floured, battered, fried, and served with chips (or fries if you live in the US). But what is eminently edible to our eyes is not necessarily mouth-watering to a fish.”

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes, fly tying