Month: February 2010

5 new fishing quotes and sayings – Feb 21, 2010

I have just up-loaded a new batch of fishy quotes and sayings for your undoubted pleasure and enlightenment – Numbers 926 – 930 (getting closer to the big 1000).

My pick of the batch (num 928):

“They argue about level lines and tapered, about heavy tackle or light, about whether you ought to fish upstream or down, about a single built rod or a double built. They get nasty the minute anybody says anything about balance — that’s like dynamite to ’em — and I’ve seen ’em almost start a fight over whether Henshall designs were as good as Miss Austen’s. After I’ve listened to them awhile I think they all ought to get a cane pole and garden hackle* and go down to the stream someday the way they did when they were kids. It might do ’em some good, and I bet they’d have a swell time, too”
“You’re right, George, ” I said. “All the tackle in the world won’t give a fisherman a good time if he’s not built for it.”
Edwin L. Peterson No Life So Happy

*garden hackle – a worm

Actually, the ‘pick of the bunch’ from the quotes was a toss-up – the other one was (927):

“The wilderness reminds me that everything I do has a consequence.”Sum Won

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes

New fishing quotes and sayings – Feb 2, 2010

Five new fishing quotes and sayings are up now – numbers 921 – 925.

My pick of this group, number 922…

During the past two decades we have seen an explosion in the popularity of fly fishing. Thousands of new fly fishermen, and women, have embraced the sport and taken up fly tying as a part of it. During this same period we have had a proliferation in new tying materials; and new magazines abound espousing and rehashing the many nuances of tying. After fifty plus years of fly tying, I am always amused by tyers who purport to have discovered a brand new technique. Truth to be told there seems to be little that is truly new in the fly tying world. Claims of hot new patterns consistently appear that are nothing more than recycled variations or modifications using new materials on an old, forgotten fly.

– Ian Moutter ‘Tying Flies The Paraloop Way’

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes, fly tying