Month: July 2010

New fishing quotes – July 25 2010

Five new quotations, sayings and aphorisms on fishing, fish, fishermen, boats, tackle, lakes, rivers and sea– numbers 976 to 980.

My pick:

“Choose your fly fishing friends wisely. They can have an effect on how many and the size of the trout you catch. Fly fishers who spend a lot of time fishing together will unconsciously adopt some of the other’s mannerisms, choice of flies and casting techniques over time. Surrounding yourself with great fly fishers who catch a lot of trout will help you catch more and larger trout. However, does that mean that while you as the poorer angler improve your fishing prowess, the better angler’s fishing prowess deteriorates? It could be that as your fishing improves and your friend’s deteriorates, he reaches a point where his fishing begins to improve by watching you the better angler. If that is the case, somewhere along the line, both of you will become great anglers.” – Jimmy D Moore

Could not agree more with this quote; (actually it is as true in life in general as it is in fishing – but I digress). I have been lucky enough to fish alongside some truly great fishermen in fresh and saltwater, and learnt so much each time I could not help but become a better fisherman, try as I might to do not otherwise:)

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes

New fishing quotes and sayings –July 19, 2010

Five new quotations, sayings and aphorisms on fishing, fish, fishermen, boats, tackle, lakes, rivers and sea – Numbers 971- 975

I had absolutely no idea when I started collecting and publishing fishy quotes and sayings that I would be closing in on 1000 – but that somewhat magical number is getting very close now.

Two picks tonight, from the pen of Big Norm; (Norman MacLean – A river Runs through It.)

“Many of us probably would be better fishermen if we did not spend so much time watching and waiting for the world to become perfect.”


“He told us about Christ’s disciples being fishermen, and we were left to assume…that all great fishermen on the Sea of Galilee were fly fisherman and that John, the favorite, was a dry-fly fisherman.”

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes

Fly-rod ‘actions’ – what do they mean?

I guess one of the more confusing elements of fly-fishing is the hotchpotch of terms used to describe the “actions” of fly-rods. Hopefully I can dispel some of this confusion and help making a decision on what fly-rod to buy easier.How rods bend

Pared right down to basics, the term ‘action’ describes the way a rod bends. But don’t all rods bend the same way I hear you mutter? Well no, they don’t. It would all be very easy if rods bent in one constant arc from butt to tip (parabolic), but most don’t.

They don’t bend in a constant arc because a rod is tapered from butt to tip – the thin section of the rod near the tip bends much more than the thicker mid-section of the rod, which bends more than the butt section. Rod makers are able to control the ‘action’ of a rod, the way it bends and flexes, by making adjustments to the way the building material is laid-up.

A fly-rod has to perform two main functions, cast a fly-line and help land a fish once it is hooked. The casting action of the rod is the prime function, and should be seen as being way more important in freshwater trout fishing than its ability to help land fish… See the full article here
Posted by Tony Bishop in fly fishing gear