Five more quotes about fishing and fishy things, bringing the total to 990, and it is getting real close to the somehow magic number of 1000.
The new quotes are numbers 986 – 990.
Two from the new:
“Hell, you can arrive in the wilderness these days and there is a TV blaring – there’s a diesel generator in camp. What happened to hot cakes over an open fire, and the satisfaction of catching trout that you paid for with the aching muscles of a five hour hike over rough country?”
Clive Gammon – I Know a Good Place (Num 990)
“What happened..?” I know what happened – nearly 66 birthdays and one titanium hip from too many hikes over rough country – but would not have missed one step for the world!
“When I grow up I want to be a little boy.” – Joseph Heller (Num 987)
Yes, I know it is not strictly about fishing – but it should be! It should be the way we ‘grown-up’ fishermen approach each fishing trip. The sheer wonder and excitement of approaching water and fish. Not covered in enough gear to fit-out a cross-continent exploration mission, and certainly not a brooding, menacing fanaticism to catching numbers and size. Don’t grow up – grow back.