Month: September 2010

6 More Fishing quotes and sayings – now 1001- 22 Sep 2010

So there it is, a pretty magic mark as far as I am concerned – 1001 fishing quotes and sayings for your viewing pleasure.

The 6 new quotes are numbers 996 – 1001, and if there is a theme it is how to make flies come ‘alive’, and become more attractive to trout.

My two picks:

It is a truth that certain flies do, with much more probability, deceive trout, and they are the ones that incorporate basic factors. They can be expressed in a word – life. The natural fly is a creature of delicate perfection, quick with life. It is translucent, framed with light. As experience soon shows, our vision is only a partial guide to how far our flies suggest these things. A fly very neat, very treasured pretty, most neatly tightly beautiful is less likely to persuade than one that is a little shaggy; a fly that has already caught and been chewed by a trout is better for that. Some straggliness, some whispiness in the water, suggest the movement of life. Some materials, particularly some furs, rough looking, inert to us, to fish have life and have translucency. That is why, should I be confined to one fly it would be the Gold-Ribbed Hares Ear.” – Bernard Venables – ‘Mr Crabtree Goes Fishing’ 1948

Confidence in what you have to offer goes a long way to success, but, even more, you need to have confidence in you ability to make your artificial look and behave like a natural.” – Frank Sawyer 1952

So what now?

I think it is time for a break from digging around for quotes. So I will, for a while, look at categorising and tagging the quotes and try and use what little skills I have in programming to make the quotes database fully searchable, by a variety  of criteria. My aim is to make the database a good resource for those interested in some of the best writing used to describe and comment on this wonderful sport of ours.

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes

Five new fishing quotes and sayings – Sep 7 2010

Five more fishing quotes and sayings are up now – numbers 991 – 995. That magic 1000 is getting awfully close now – just as well really, it is becoming a real struggle to find new quotes.

Two picks today:

There: the angler’s noun. There, every fisherman has one. Someplace on a river or stream. There, is seldom a generality, but a precise footing on a bend somewhere, a place where every riffle, every willow, every cloud is in place. You can be near there  or around there, or by there, but there is no place like there. Easily dreamed, there. You can get there from an easy chair, or on a downtown bus. There is an exact passage from a fisherman’s back pages, virtual reality without the helmet. There is the reason for being here.”
Scott Waldie – Travers Corners: The Final Chapters

“Halford argued dry and Skues argued wet and that age old argument isn’t over yet!
Some fish both wet and dry, but never bother to understand why.
Some fish only wet and some only dry.
Some don’t care as long as it’s a pretty fly.
"Might as well fish a worm", said the dry fly man as he shifted his feet in the burning hot sand.
"To catch big browns you must fish wet my friend," said the wet fly man as he slowly sipped his Gin.
"I’ll catch’em on top", said the dry fly man and If I try long enough, I know that I can. "Why waste your time with pretty little fly", when you could go deep with something really sly", countered the wet fly guy.
"But I must see the take", said the dry fly man, as he slowly cast his dry fly again and again.
"I’ll fish my wet while you watch your dry", quipped the wet fly guy, his fresh hooked brown rocketing toward the sky!
And the pretty little fly still floats round and round, while the dry fly guy waits patiently for his big brown.
Alas, be they wet or be they dry, I’ll fish them both till the day I die. ”
Jimmy D Moore

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes