Month: October 2010

Four more fishing quotes and sayings–Oct 25 2010

Just put up four more fishing quotes and sayings, numbers 1002 – 1005.

My pick from current crop:

“Angling is very different from other sport because of the role the fish has to play. Success or failure depends on the reaction and response of the fish.  In most other sports, if the participant performs well, then the result will reflect this. In angling the performer may well give a perfect performance in all the skills required but all will be in vain if the fish does not respond.  In angling, so much of the initiative lies with the fish: unless the angler can offer him something that brings a response, all is in vain”

– Moc and Hywell Morgan – Flyfishing and Flytying Magazine (UK) Nov 2009

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes, fly fishing

Fly Tying – Put a cap on the mess

Cap rubbish collector

One of the more irritating features of fly-tying is the mess that can be created by the cut, hacked, sliced and diced bits of fur, feather, wire, thread, and more. The mess invades the fly-tying desk and the floor. All guaranteed to create disharmony in a previously happy home.

I have tried all kinds of proprietary gizmos to capture the dross – typically expensive, invariably pretty much useless.

But I have come up with a cheap and effective demessifier, that takes seconds to make.

Grab an old baseball cap, cut off the peak, undo the clip at the back of the cap and place it around the stem of your vise. Job done.

That is it – harmony returns to your desk, floor and home. Beaut eh!

Posted by Tony Bishop in fly tying

Video: First Recorded Marlin on Fly?

Over on MidCurrent  is an amazing piece of vintage footage of what may well be the first marlin recorded on fly fishing gear.

The clip includes some of the most incredible jump sequences ever captured on film.

A must see.

Posted by Tony Bishop in Fishing Videos, fly fishing, salt water fly fishing