Month: March 2011

5 More fishing quotes and sayings – Mar 15, 2011

Here we go again, 5 more fishing quotations and sayings for your edification and education – numbers 1021 – 1025

My 2 picks:

These poor rich men, we anglers pity them perfectly.”

– Isaac Walton – ‘The Compleat Angler’

The trouble is, you can’t properly present something you don’t believe in.”

– Thomas McGuane – Comment made about whether pattern or presentation is more important in a fly, where he agreed presentation was probably best, but…

– Actually it is not a bad comment about life, the Universe, and the whole damned thing. – Bish

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes

Fly Fishing Answers, Learning the Double Haul – on MidCurrent

This tip on how to get the double-haul timing right to achieve longer fly-fishing casts is so simple, and so effective, (I have tried it), you must give it a go.  See it here.

While you are there make sure you read Tom Rosenbauer’s article on the double haul, and take a look at Joan Wulff’s video on hauling it is nearly definitive.

Posted by Tony Bishop in Fishing Videos, fly fishing how-to

Charlie Craven’s Fly Box


I have just read Charlie Craven’s latest book, and yet again it is a superb piece of work. The extremely high standard of the fly tying tutorials, both in terms of the writing and photography makes the construction of the flies very easy to follow.

While it is probably true that none of the flies in the book are truly new, it is also probably true that most ‘new’ flies are variations on a theme. In Charlie Craven’s case it is the value of the innovative materials he uses to construct his flies and the equally innovative tying methods he demonstrates, that sets the book apart from others.

I defy even experienced fly-tyers  not to learn a good deal from the pages. I cannot recommend this book highly enough. You can get it at Amazon.

Posted by Tony Bishop in fly tying