Securely handling trout without causing stress or damage – Reprised

by Bishfish on March 20, 2011

Way back in March 2009 I ran a piece written by one of the New Zealand’s very best guides, Tony Entwhistle, in New Zealand Fish & Game magazine, on how to handle trout for photographing or release.

The more time you spend on the fishy parts of the net or reading fishing magazines, the more you realise that while many fishermen adhere to the spirit of catch and release, the way they handle fish is doing little to ensure the fish will survive.

So if you are into catching and releasing trout have another look through this definitive article – and spread the word.

pixel Securely handling trout without causing stress or damage – Reprised

Related posts:

  1. Securely handling trout without causing stress or damage
  2. Bad handling when releasing can be fatal
  3. 5 Rules for Releasing Fish for Maximum chances of Survival
  4. Big Rainbow Trout Time In North Island, NZ
  5. Rock snot campaign in New Zealand an heroic struggle

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