SwittersB & Fly Fishing – excellent fly tying and fly fishing resource

by Bishfish on April 21, 2011

swittersb SwittersB & Fly Fishing – excellent fly tying and fly fishing resource

I have been a regular visitor to the SwittersB site, but somehow neglected to feature it in my blog or blog roll. I cannot really understand why, it is an excellent site.

The flies are presented with very well written backgrounds on the flies, and how to fish them. Just have a look at the quote below, to get an idea of the straight shooting way the writing is produced.

“Must have” patterns both annoy me, and as they should, simplify things. A ‘must have’ pattern can be a trap. Tie it on and go. A ‘must have’ pattern must work all the time, anywhere?

Such is the case with scuds. Most articles are like every one was originally issued a press release from the Fishing Guru 25 years ago and every writer feels obligated to issue the same chopped release/phrases for their region. It smacks of an obligatory inclusion on the last page of a book…”

pixel SwittersB & Fly Fishing – excellent fly tying and fly fishing resource

Related posts:

  1. The Mystery of the Ratty Fly
  2. Imitation or Approximation the Key to Tying More Effective flies
  3. Charley Cravens Fly Tying Goldmine
  4. Charlie Craven’s Basic Fly Tying (hardcover)
  5. Fugly Foam Flies for Fabulous Fishing

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