It has been a while but with 1030 in my data base finding new quotes is becoming harder and harder. But they do lurk out there waiting to be found, and here are five new quotes, numbers 1026 – 1030 .
My two picks:
“Whenever a bilious angler has no luck and nothing to do, he sits down and concocts a new swindle in feathers…and at once every angler in the country rushes in and pays two dollars a dozen for the samples.”
– Mayvis Orvis Marbury – Favourite Flies and Their Histories 1892
And now for something completely different from the irreverent keyboard of Ron Swanson:
“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Don’t teach a man to fish…feed yourself. He’s a grown man and fishing is not that hard.”
There are two more Ron Swanson fishing quotes in the latest batch. You can read more from this Public Servant, Breakfast Enthusiast, and Gun Owner, here.

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