Month: December 2011

The Trout Diaries: A Year of Fly-Fishing in New Zealand


As a New Zealand fisherman with over 50 years experience, I am acutely aware of the almost dreamlike reputation New Zealand’s trout fishing holds for many overseas anglers. Unfortunately much of that dream has been fuelled by over-hyping in print, TV and other media. Sure we have big trout in superb surroundings, but the big trout are hard to catch, and require for the most part good fly-fishing skills, where casting and presentation techniques are key.
Fortunately Trout Diaries is extremely well written, and through an anecdotal style reveals the true nature and reality of New Zealand trout fishing, and the techniques that can lead to success.
In many ways the books title is a misnomer, it is most certainly not a ‘I did this on this day’ book, but covers a years worth of fishing trips throughout both the North and South Island of New Zealand. On the way you will meet some of the true characters that fish our waters, and learn a lot.
I cannot recommend Trout Dairies highly enough.

Another review:

“This is such a fine book; one that is able to be enjoyed on several levels.
It has inspired me to fish some new water, and it offers some gems on how to fly fish. The Trout Diaries is occupied by some of the most interesting characters to inhabit our angling literature, and the author has captured their voices beautifully. The book will appeal to people looking for the adventure that comes from new places and people, but primarily for me, it was about an adventure of the soul. This ultimate adventure, so well described, is the most important journey of all, and is what will make this book appeal to an audience well beyond anglers. It is a book that can make you laugh and cry, which is quite something for a book supposedly about angling.”

Yet another:

“Derek Grzelewski sees what most others do not; his thoughtful observations are carefully wound into stories that are neither just about technique, nor about the requisite equipment but rather how fishing for trout, pounding miles of river bank, chance encounters with locals and peering from bridges into running water, feed us. He threads his 12 months of fishing with his life experiences. This is not a book about pounds, numbers or the one that got away. He recounts his meetings with professionals, scientists, cockies, novices, old timers, whitebaiters… for each of them a different slant on what they take from the fabulously fresh still and running waters of New Zealand. I couldn’t put the book down.”

Posted by Tony Bishop in Fishing Travel, fly fishing how-to

Three new fishing quotes and sayings–17 Dec 2011

Presented for your piscatorial pleasure, three new piscine pieces of perceptive and pithy pronouncements – quote numbers 1054 – 1056

“Our tradition is that of the first man who sneaked away to the creek when the tribe did not really need fish.”
– Roderick Haig-Brown – A River Never Sleeps

“The cast was perfect enough for the purpose and the leader and fly piled up in the fast water. The drift was underway.  You could see everything: the trout spotting the pattern, turning to face it, placing it in binocular vision, the approach, the mouth opening, the snout poking out of the water, the cicada disappearing. Too much fun.”
– Jack MacKenzie – Time and Space

“The soul of an angler embraces a collection of unquestioned convictions foremost amongst them the faith that a trout could take on any cast. Deprive him of that assumption and only a perplexing sense of waste remains.”
– Ted Leeson – Inventing Montana

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes