Month: September 2012

Fishing Minus the Hero Shots

Kirk Deeter from Field and Stream and Midcurrent is one of the better fishing writers, so I found this article about using ‘grip and grin’ shots to bolster a weak story very helpful to budding writers.

Especially those who want to break out of the morass of bland rubbish writing supported by same-old-same-old-pictures, and instead deliver words that make pictures in the readers mind.

Money line:

“You see, I’m not a grip ‘n grin man.  I prefer to fish from the shadows, and stay in the shadows, even after I land something big.  I have a face that’s made for radio, and a passion for fly fishing that’s rooted somewhere that can’t be captured, no matter how many megapixels are devoted to it.”

Read full article here.

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing media, fly fishing, fly fishing how-to

New Fishing Quotes and Sayings: Sep 19 2012 Now 1095

Five more quick quips for you to peruse: Numbers 1091 – 1095

“It’s all right to drink like a fish — if you drink what a fish drinks.”
– Mary Pettibone Poole

“I wouldn’t say it’s cold, but every year Winnipeg’s athlete of the year is an ice fisherman.”
– Dale Tallon

“Presidents have only two moments of personal seclusion. One is prayer; the other fishing — and they cannot pray all the time!”
– Herbert Hoover

“Man can learn a lot from fishing — when the fish are biting no problem in the world is big enough to be remembered.”
– Orlando A. Battista

“So, when I say ‘match the hatch’, if the fish are taking the nymph, and you’re actually producing a replica of a flying insect, you’ll catch fresh air.”
– Rex Hunt

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes

Get Down and Get Ugly: Chris Dore’s Creeper Fly



Chris Dore is one of New Zealand’s top guides; specialising in the south of the South Island of New Zealand. He has a a very refreshing attitude to fishing and fly tying – and ‘keep it simple’ seems to be his watch-word. But making things simple requires a lot of knowledge and experience – Chris has a heap of both.

Chris ties these ugly brutes for early season headwaters on size 6 to 10 long shank hooks ( I think I will use Tiemco 200R to give a slight bend). The rest you can pretty much work out for yourself.

Wrap some lead (or substitute) around the hook, tie in a bunch of black hair or fur for a tail, tie in copper (or gold?) wire, and some black flexi-body or any stretchy sheet, dub up to 2/3 with hares ear, then some black dubbing, for thorax and head. Pull the back over the fly and tie down at the head. (Quick tip: before you cut off the back, pull the excess back towards the tail and throw in a few ‘locking turns’ to really secure the back). Follow with the wire to form segments, and tie off at the head, whip finish and give it a dab or two of head cement. Simple. Quick. Done.

I suggested adding some wriggly rubber legs – Chris said he used to, but now does not bother because the fly is just as effective naked. Simplicity again.

Chris describes the fly as his ‘get noticed fly’, to fish in edge waters and boulder runs. Go easy on the lead, you want the fly to move through where heavier flies would snag.

That is about. I will be tying up a bunch of Creepers and Glister Nymphs for a trip to the central North island in early October, as Spring gets into full swing here.

Posted by Tony Bishop in fly fishing, fly tying, Fresh water how-to, New Zealand Fishing

Think New Zealand is Just About South Island Browns?

Fly fishing with Russell Anderson Fly Fishing in New Zealand, spotting and stalking the ultimate challenge, sight fishing in New Zealand’s backcountry with gin clear water.

But in the North Island, and for big Rainbows. Beaut eh!

Posted by Tony Bishop in Fishing Travel, Fishing Videos, fly fishing, New Zealand Fishing

Seeking Perfection in Fly-Fishing? Forget it!

Nice little piece in MidCurrent by kirk Deeter in his Fly Fishing Jazz column:

“… For both the angler and the jazz artist, no matter what they do, and how they play, there is always room for improvement.  Always something they wish they could re-do differently.  Something they wish they could have anticipated or imagined better… perhaps played with more effect when they had their chance to do so.

That’s not to say, however, that the jazz artist, nor the fly angler, cannot or should not ever be satisfied.  But there is a distinct difference between satisfaction and perfection.”

Good to have lurking in the very back of your mind when you are having one of those days when nothing goes how you want it to. Full article here.

Posted by Tony Bishop in fly fishing, fly fishing tips

Five New Fishing Quotes: Sep 1 2012 Now 1090

Five new fishing quotes and bit of  a John Gierach benefit, quote numbers 1086 – 1090.

“Accurately recalling an entire day of fishing is like trying to push smoke back down a chimney, so you settle on these specific moments.”

– John Gierach ‘No Shortage of Good Days’ (1086)

“We do have to think seriously about conservation now, although it is chilling to realize there are catch-and-release fishermen alive today who don’t know how to clean and fry a fish.”

– John Gierach ‘No Shortage of Good Days’ (1087)

“It’s an odd fact of life that whichever side of the stream you’re on, two-thirds of the best water is out of reach on the other side.”

– John Gierach ‘No Shortage of Good Days’ (1088)

“When the river is high, fish eat the ant; when the river is low, ants eat the fish.”

– Chinese proverb, quoted in ‘No Shortage of Good Days’ (1089)

“The fact is, there’s a great deal of hair-splitting fussiness when it comes to fly-fishing, most of it as silly as a top hat.”

– Justin Cronin ‘The Summer Guest’ 2003 – quoted in ‘No Shortage of Good Days’ (1090)

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes, fly fishing