5 New Fishing Quotes and Sayings

Just posted 5 more fishy and pithy quotations and sayings – total now 1295. (New numbers 1291 – 1295)

“To say that it was all just a matter of catching fish would be like saying that astronomy is nothing more than noticing the stars.” #1291

“If, as I suspect, trout fishing is something of a disease, then it is also something of a therapy in itself.” #1292

“There’s only one thing wrong with a fishing day-its staggering brevity.” #1293

“Perhaps it’s true, as Ecclesiastes claims, that nothing is new under the sun, but as the year turns toward another century, here’s hoping the pleasures and gifts that angling brings never end.” #1294

“The line between religion and fly fishing is barely there anyway, and this is most obvious when it comes to proselytizing. I don’t ever start a conversation with the intent of making a convert, but it happens before I know it” #1295

See all the quotes here.

Posted by Tony Bishop