fishing humour

Five New Fishy Quotes and Sayings

More mind fertiliser from the pens of the true tellers of fishing tales.

“How to become a millionaire by fishing? Start out as a billionaire.” #1336

“Chris Yates is an angling legend who presented A Passion for Angling, which celebrates its 20th anniversary next month. It is still considered the best-ever television programme about fishing. Part of the problem with extreme fishing shows is the nature of modern television, thinks Yates. “They are tearing apart whatever the beauty of the subject is and showing one populist image,” he says. His series took four-and-a-half years to film. “No one in their right mind would make a TV film about fishing. I was insane to agree to do it. Fishing doesn’t translate into TV, unless you can somehow convey the sense of tranquility and mystery, as [A Passion for Angling’s filmmaker] Hugh Miles managed to do. There’s this mystery about why you are doing it and there’s this unknown world happening below the surface of the water, and your line is connecting you to it.” #1337

“There is certainly something in angling that tends to produce a serenity of the mind.” #1338

“Because fly lines are wild snakes that need to be tamed…” #1339

“People get the Politicians and fishing tackle they deserve.” #1340

See all the quotes on fishing here

Posted by Tony Bishop

Five New Fishing Quotes and Sayings

Five new fishing quotes bring the total up to 1325.

“Strange: when working I think about fishing, when fishing I don’t think about working.” # 1321

“The fishing was so bad even liars didn’t catch anything.” #1322

“I may seem quiet and reserved to you, but if you mess with me while I’m fishing, I will break out a level of crazy that will make your nightmares seem like a happy place.” # 1323

“What do the little fishes do that make the most truthful men untrue?” #1324

“You know when they have a fishing show on TV? They catch the fish and then let it go. They don’t want to eat the fish; they just want to make it late for something.” # 1325

See them all here.

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing humour, fishing quotes, weird fishy stuff

Five New Fishing Quotes and Sayings

Just loaded 5 more quotes and sayings about fishing and things fishy.

“A wise man once said, “F*ck it I am going fishing” – he lived happily ever after.” (1316)

“And, finally, not because I regard fishing as being so terribly important but because I suspect that so many of the other concerns of men are equally unimportant — and not nearly so much fun” (1317)

“If you could marry a super-model or go fishing every day, which would you choose – fresh or salt water?” (1318)

“The art of tying the wet fly rests upon a knowledge of trout-stream insect life, a knowledge of materials used for imitating the insect life, and an ability to select, prepare, blend, and use the proper materials to create neat, durable, and lifelike imitations of the natural insects” (1319)

“Fly fishing is not for everyone – it’s only for people who have a taste for adventure, love the outdoors, and want to feel alive.” (1320)

For more information about the quotes, author, publication details, etc., see them all here.

Posted by Tony Bishop

Five New Fishing Quotations and Sayings

“In certain circles, it is rumoured that anciently there was a fly pattern that possessed such magical fish-catching mojo that no fish could resist its siren call. A fly with material so secretive that it was said there existed only one source of it hidden high in the Andes of Patagonia on the testicles of a golden Guanaco. A fly pattern so powerful that any angler who should possess it was assured of 100 fish days and to whom women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano. ” #1306

“Keep them wet. Take the ego out of the shot. Then they are everyone’s fish that brings back a wonderful memory.” #1307

“I think the chief part of the ecstasy of fishing with the fly is to be found in the qualities of the fly rod, and if I am right in this, the more exquisite the rod the keener and more perfect the pleasure to be derived from the sport.” #1308

“In the mornings, when the grasses were still wet with a bright silver sheen and the antelope fled and the curlew flew ahead of us as we rattled along the rutted and pitted track across the benches down to the river, we always felt the nervous tingling of expectation.” #1309

“The sun never sets on the brown trout empire.” #1310

All the quotations and sayings about fishing can be found here. You can also find author and publication details, where available.

Posted by Tony Bishop

5 More Fishing Quotes and Sayings

5 more quotations, aphorisms, and sayings about fishing and things fishy rolled from the pens of some pretty smart chaps and chapesses.

“Fish too much? Can’t be done.” #1311

“I’ve found the best way to help fish grow is to practise catch and release. Whenever I release A fish it always doubles in size by the time I get home and tell my friends.” $1312

“It is a magical moment when a trout perceives a floating mayfly on the surface, whether a natural or an imitation. All of its lifelong learning experiences with ambushing prey and watching its biological world unfold daily will all boil down to just a few seconds as it decides to accept or reject a fly. The selectivity phases in this book will better help you understand what is going through the trout’s mind in these breathtaking moments.” #1313

“As the angler looks back, he thinks less of individual captures and days than of the scenes in which he fished” #1314

“Small fish, in the hands of someone with small hands, are relatively large” #1315

See all the quotations here.

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing humour, fishing quotes, fly fishing

Five New Fishing Quotes and Sayings

More quotes on fishing and fishy things are up now, and the total hits 1300.

“Water is life. It is a precondition for human, animal, and plant life as well as an indispensable resource for the economy. Water also plays a fundamental role in the climate regulation cycle. Protection of water resources, of fresh and saltwater ecosystems and of the water we drink and bathe in is, therefore, one of the cornerstones of environmental protection.” #1296

“Rod held high, you moved down the bank, dragged off into the endless night by a wild creature.  While overhead the Milky Way coursed the sky like a ragged river of stars.”  #1297

“When you pause to reflect on fishing, you often find out that the pursuit of fish has no bearing on your pursuit of fishing, or your enjoyment of the experience”  #1298

“The only fisherman you should try to be better than, is the fisherman you were yesterday.” #1299

“If you don’t know where the fish lie but can cast well enough to cover all of the water with finesse, you are likely to solve the mystery and catch fish. If you know where they lie but can neither reach them nor present the fly naturally, you are not even in the game.” #1300

All the quotes can be seen here

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing humour, fishing quotes

5 New Fishing Quotes and Sayings

These five new quotes are numbered 1286 – 1289

“I distrust experts in general and fishing experts in particular.” #1286

“Anticipating drag and dealing with it before the fact is one of the factors that distinguishes those people who always seem to catch more trout than the rest of us.” #1287

“Sometimes, concentrating on some deeply undercut bank, if you were lucky, you could catch a glimpse of something dark and larger than anything your imagination could conjure.” #1288

“The first and last object of the fly-fisher is to show as much of the fly to the fish as possible, and as little of everything else.” #1289

“Fly fishing is a healthy antisocial sport, and many of us have an emotional investment in being misunderstood because it makes us feel strange and brilliant, like Van Gogh.” “#1290

All quotes with more info about them can be found here.

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing humour, fishing quotes, fly fishing

5 More Fishing Quotes Posted 26 August 2015

More fishing goodness spilling from wise fishing heads: Total quotes now 1250.

“You can always tell a fisherman, but you cannot tell him much.”

Corey Ford (Number 1246)

“No human activity other than sex and murder has spawned more books than fishing. Many of them seem to bear out the truth of Humphrey’s observation. Luckily for those of us who love both fishing and reading, he exaggerated.”

William G Tapply (Number 1247)

““The literature of angling falls into two genres: the instructional and the devotional,” wrote William Humphrey in his satirical little novel My Moby Dick. “The former is written by fishermen who write, the latter by writers who fish””

William G Tapply (Number 1248)

“Moral: Humility and open-mindedness sometimes catch far more fish than all the wise guys.”

Robert Traver (Number 1249)

“There are hundreds of new streamer patterns the past decade with so many new choices of materials. Many of the newer patterns have eye appeal more for the tying community than the fish!”

Mac Brown (Number 1250)

See all 1250 quotes here.

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing humour, fishing quotes, Fishing Videos

Five new fishing quotations and sayings: February 20 2015

More insight and introspection on this recreational addiction of ours, which some call fishing. New quotes are numbers 1231 to 1235. See all 1235 fishing quotations and sayings here.

“The outdoor life pleased these old men because they believed any properly obsessed fly fisherman carried the rivers and trout inside him.”
Harry Middleton

“That’s about as big as a fish that big gets”
– A Nonymouse

“There are always new places to go fishing. For any fisherman, there’s always a new place, always a new horizon”
Jack Nicklaus

“Education is important – but fishing is importanter”
Hu Nose

“…water that isn’t fit for trout won’t much longer be fit for us.”
Arnold Gingrich

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing humour, fishing quotes, fly fishing, Life & Stuff

Five New Fishing Quotations and Sayings 19 Jan 2015

Five more fishing quotes and sayings, and the total rises to 1230, all available on the Quotes Page.

Number 1226

“Nothing in this world so enlivens my spirit and emotions as the rivers I know. They are necessities.” – Nick Lyons

Number 1227

“There is a cost to a fish being caught, even if it is promptly released.” – Paul Guernsey

Number 1228

“You did not kill the fish only to keep alive and to sell for food, he thought. You killed for pride and because you are a fisherman. You loved him when he was alive and you loved him after. If you love him, it is not a sin to kill him. Or is it more?” – Ernest Hemmingway

Number 1229

“You are killing me, fish, the old man thought. But you have a right to. Never have I seen a greater, or more beautiful, or a calmer or more noble thing than you, brother.”
– Ernest Hemmingway

Number 1230

“…buying a fly rod in the average city store, that is, joining it up and safely waggling it a bit, is much like seeing a woman’s arm protruding from a car window: all one can readily be sure of is that the window is open.” – Robert Travers

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing humour, fishing quotes, Life & Stuff