fishing quotes

5 more fishing quotes and sayings – Nov 1, 2009

Five more fishing quotes are up now, numbers 886 – 890.

This one is my pick:

“Have you ever noticed that trout seem to take better as our fly gets more ragged? Think I’ll start tying ragged flies. Hell, on second thought, I don’t even have to think about it, because my flies come out of the vise that way.”
– Jimmy D Moore

This quote is very pertinent to me. Have a look at this article and the allure of the Rufazgutz fly

“The first rule of successful fishing tackle retailing is first catch your fisherman.
I saw far too many illustrations of the truth of this rule in my years in the tackle business to argue against it.

This rule is based on a simple premise – the better a lure or fly looks to the angler the more likely money will change hands. The paint jobs on some lures are so good you could swear they could be floured, battered, fried, and served with chips (or fries if you live in the US). But what is eminently edible to our eyes is not necessarily mouth-watering to a fish.”

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes, fly tying

New Fishing Quotes & Sayings – Oct 23, 2009

A sparkling new bunch of fishing quotes and sayings is up now to shed some perceptive light on the sport we love. Numbers 881 – 885

This posts pick:

“Generally, we are united in the belief that all rod design has been progressive and that the ideas about fly rods in the past were so bad as to make it amazing that people were able to fish at all.”

– Thomas McGuane

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes

5 More Fishing Quotes and Sayings – Oct 3, 2009

And so we climb inexorably (Thank big G for a spell checker) towards 1000 fishy quotes and sayings – numbers 871 – 875 are up now.

My pick of today’s bunch:

“And if ye angler take fysshe; surely thenne is there noo man merier than he is in his spyryte.”

Dame Juliana Berners -The Boke of St. Albans- 1496

I guess this is as true today as it was 500 years ago. What is also true is how much English has changed (and is still changing) over the same time frame.

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes

More fishing quotes and sayings – Oct 1, 2009

Have just put up 10 more fishing quotes and sayings for your perusal and pleasure numbers 846 – 855.

My pick:

I love to watch Norman work out a fly. It’s like a ballet or something, the way the white line loops out against the dark trees like rope tricks at magic shows. I don’t know how he does it, but I probably catch more fish than he does, with only a worm on. Sometimes I’ll put on a Mepps or something and cast, but then maybe the line gets all screwed up on the reel. Norman says it’s cause girls elbows are built funny, but I don’t think it matters. He says catching fish is nice, but that that’s not the point. “Gracie,” he’ll say, “if all I wanted was fish, I’d use a net.

Dan Gerber – The Way A Woman Thinks

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes

8 more fishing quotes and sayings – Sep 27, 2009

Just posted eight more fishing quotes and sayings, numbers 863 – 870.

When I started out collecting quotes and sayings on things fishy I had no idea that I would get even close to a few hundred, let alone fast approaching 1000. But that 1000 is now firmly in my sights.

My pick from today’s selection;

“And yet there are many times when it does not make any difference what pattern one uses. One thing is certain. The more bedraggled the fly gets the better the trout like it. I think there is a reason for this. I think the bedraggled half worn out wet fly more closely imitates a nymph than a new one does. Most commercial flies are tied too bushy and full. A little trimming of wings and thinning out of hackles will often work wonders.”

Ray Bergman “Just Fishing” 1945

I believe this quote is just so true. I always carry a small piece of Velcro glued to a popsicle stick to rough up store-bought flies, and a small piece of hacksaw blade to do the same thing on particularly over-built flies.

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes

Seven new fishing quotes and sayings – Sep 12, 2009

Once again, a new selection of 7 quotes on fishing, fishermen, rivers lakes and sea is there for your undoubted entertainment and perhaps a springboard or two for further thought.

My pick:

Fulps asserts that trout are not smarter than other species of fish, nor do they have the sharp visual acuity for which many give them credit. “Trout fishermen have invented those beliefs over the years, simply because we needed an excuse for why we couldn’t catch them as easily as we could other species. The biggest trout are not the smartest trout. They’re simply the most frightened, which is why they’re so difficult to catch. And human eyesight is actually about 14 times stronger than that of a trout.”

Walt Fulps aka ‘The Missouri Trout Hunter’

By the way – Happy Birthday Bish!

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes

The Fishing Quotations Keep Coming – Jul 20, 2009

You will note doubt be quivering with excitement to learn that yet another batch of sagacity about the sport that enthrals us has hit my site –  view numbers 837 – 845 fishing quotes and sayings now.

My pick of today’s bunch:

People generally take up angling for contemplation, fun, and genial companionship. Then there are midge fishermen. Their terminal tackle is ‘something invisible attached to nothing’. They take up angling for the same reason blind swordsmen take up the blade in samurai films.

– In “The Armchair Angler”

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes

Eight more quotations on things fishy – June 27, 2009

And they just keep coming, when will it all end?

The new quotes are numbers 829 – 836, and a good bunch they are too.

My pick from the new bunch:

“The fishing was so good….even the guide thought it was yesterday.”
– Sum Bodi

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes

Eight more quotes and sayings on fishing – June 14, 2009

Just up-loaded 8 more delightful, insightful and perhaps powerful quotations on fishing – numbers 821 – 828.

My pick from today’s litter:

Now in my mid-sixties, the truth of this quote is reinforced every fishing trip.

“It is the glory of the art of angling that its disciples never grow old. The muscles may relax and the beloved rod become a burden, but the fire of enthusiasm kindled in youth is never extinguished.”

– George Dawson – The Pleasures of Angling

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes

Nine more fishing quotes and sayings – May 31, 2009

Just uploaded 9 more fishing quotes and sayings, for your undoubted enjoyment, interest and education – Numbers 812 – 820

My pick:

Under the conditions then prevailing – the thermometer recording 97 degrees in the shade, the stream at its lowest point, and the temperature of the water very high – I really believe that the only chance he might have had would have been with a very ‘wet’ Mint Julep.

– George M. L. La Branche “The Dry Fly and Fast Water” 1914

Now there is a man I could fish with – a realist!

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes