fishing quotes

The fishing quotes just keep coming – May 9, 2009

5 more fishy quotes for your undoubted edification, 801 to 805.

My pick from the new quotes?

“I object to fishing tournaments less for what they do to fish than what they do to fishermen.”
– Ted Williams

I happen to agree with the above quote – I have enough trouble competing with a fish – let alone competitive fishermen. In fact a few years ago now I did an article on this subject for the New Zealand Fisherman Magazine. Got a good deal of correspondence flowing back and forth. You can read it here.

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes

10 new fishing quotes and sayings – Apr 18, 2009

Have just put up 10 new quotes and sayings, numbers 791 – 800.

My pick from this bunch”:

The boy reached into the net and cleared the hook and leader from the trout and lowered the net back into the water. ‘Thank you’, said the boy. ‘Thank you very much. I hope you live forever.’

David Seybold “Waters Swift and Still”

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes

Six more fishing quotes and sayings – Apr 15, 2009

I have just uploaded 6 more quotes and sayings, all but one on rivers. (Numbers 785 – 790)

My pick:

In a country where nature has been so lavish and where we have been so spendthrift of indigenous beauty, to set aside a few rivers in their natural state should be considered an obligation.”
– Sen. Frank Church

This was of course written about the USA – but this admonishment applies to us all, in the USA or in our own countries.

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes

8 New Fishing Quotes and Sayings – Apr 4, 2009

I have just uploaded 8 new fishing quotes and sayings – (numbers 777 – 784).

I think my pick, in these trying times, would have to be Grover Cleveland’s musing way back in 1898:

“In these sad and ominous days of mad fortune chasing, every patriotic, thoughtful citizen, whether he fishes or not, should lament that we have not among our countrymen more fishermen.”

Doesn’t the past come back to bite us?

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes

5 New Fishing Quotes & Sayings – Mar 24, 2009

The new quotes are numbers 772 – 776

My pick:

“There isn’t any symbolism. The sea is the sea. The old man is an old man. The boy is a boy and the fish is a fish. The shark are all sharks no better and no worse. All the symbolism that people say is shit. What goes beyond is what you see beyond when you know.”
Ernest Hemingway


Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes

5 New fishing quotes and sayings – Mar 10, 2009

Just put up 5 new fishing quotes and sayings; numbers 767 – 771

My, I was going to write ‘pick of the new quotes’ as I usually do, but maybe I should write, “the quote most likely to have my C&R friends thumping their keyboards in full fuming mode”.

“I was taught long ago by my Father that it’s necessary to kill and eat fish occasionally to fulfil our evolutionary urges.”
– Bob South, Editor, New Zealand Fish and Game Magazine Nov 2008.

Don’t shoot the messenger!

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes

5 New Fishing Quotes and Sayings – Mar 2, 2009

I have just up-loaded 5 new fishing quotes, numbers 762 – 766.

My pick of this bunch was very easy – not that there was any bias in my decision:

“New Zealand’s trout can haunt you as no other fish do and the rivers they inhabit can come to possess a part of your imagination and memory.” (763)

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes

Six More Fishing Quotes and Sayings – Feb 17, 2009


I have come across a number of quotes about rivers, and let’s face it what would freshwater fishermen do without them. The new fishing quotes and sayings are numbers 751 – 756.

As a sample (num 756):

“In a mucked up lovely river, I cast my little fly – Oh to clean our dirty planet, now there is a noble wish, and I am putting my shoulder to the wheel because I wanna catch some fish!”

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes