Just put up some new fishing quotes and sayings – numbers 699 – 704.
My pick:
“Fishing from a boat seems like dilettante bullshit – like hunting wild boar with a can of spray paint from the safety of a pick-up truck” – Hunter S Thompson
Just put up some new fishing quotes and sayings – numbers 699 – 704.
My pick:
“Fishing from a boat seems like dilettante bullshit – like hunting wild boar with a can of spray paint from the safety of a pick-up truck” – Hunter S Thompson
I have found four more quotes and sayings about fishy things, although the job of finding new ones is getting harder.
The latest are numbered 695 – 698 inclusive.
My pick:
“Whether catch or release or not, the fish keep growing long after they’ve been caught.” – Ian Mitchell
Two new quotes are up now, numbers 693 & 694
My pick:
“Most of the world is covered by water. A fisherman’s job is simple: Pick out the best parts.” – Charles Waterman
I have just added 36 more quotes to the quotes page. They are from 657 to 692.
My pick of the new bunch of quotations – (673) …
“Technical words and phrases have crept out to fuddle fly fishing, and the simplicity the small boy and Izaak Walton imparted to the sport is becoming burdened with complexity.”
– Jack Denton Scott
“Catching fish is not a mental game between fish and angler.
A “smart” trout is only smarter than other than other trout, not smarter than a fisherman. An angler must take the puzzle of the day’s conditions, and matching those conditions and his knowledge of the fish come up with a good catch.
He competes with a concept, not with a fish’s brain.”
– Lee Wulff, ‘Some Fishing Basics’ in Rod and Reel Magazine, January 1981
A quote from the 650+ quotes on fishing and fishermen, here on my web site.
“Most fishermen swiftly learn that it’s a pretty good rule never to show a favourite spot to any fisherman you wouldn’t trust with your wife!” – John Voelker
Just one quote from the 650+ fishing quotes and sayings on my quotes page.
I have just put up four more quotes, numbers 650 – 653.
Here’s one:
“If I’m not going to catch anything, then I ‘d rather not catch anything on flies”
– Bob Lawless, who is I think no relation to that lovely Kiwi actress Lucy Lawless
The number of quotes, with a bunch of new ones (8) just added, brings the total to 648.
My favourite of the new additions:
“Far away Tongariro! Green – white thundering Athabasca river of New Zealand! I vowed I would come again down across the Pacific to fish in the swift cold waters of this most beautiful and famous of trout streams. It is something to have striven. It is much to have kept your word.” – Zane Grey 1927
My choice has nothing to do with where I live of course!
Had three days on the very same beast of a river, the Tongariro, a week or two back. Got lots of fish, got tested and beaten time and again, got eaten by little black beasties, got fish by chucking and ducking tiny nymphs behind a kilo of split shot, got fish on tiny dry flies, got fish on heavy Prince Nymphs, got leg-sore, arm sore and exhausted, got to have a hell of a great time. It is a great river!
I recently added 10 new quotes and sayings to the quotes page, bringing the total to 640.
Of the new quotes, this one caught my eye, a rather good twist on and old quote:
“Give a man a fish, and he’ll eat for a day. Give a fish a man, and he’ll eat for weeks!”
– Takayuki Ikkaku, Arisa Hosaka and Toshihiro Kawabata, Animal Crossing: Wild World, 2005