fishing quotes

Five More Fishing Quotes and Sayings Jan 23 2014

Five more fishing quotations for your edification and maybe education – Quote Numbers 1181 to 1185.

“Have you also learned that secret from the river; that there is no such thing as time?” That the river is everywhere at the same time, at the source and at the mouth, at the waterfall, at the ferry, at the current, in the ocean and in the mountains, everywhere and that the present only exists for it, not the shadow of the past nor the shadow of the future.”

Hermann Hesse Siddharth

“Lyin’ is lyin’, be it about fish or money and is forbid by Scripter … Billy Matison’s got to give up fish-lyin’ or he won’t never get into the kingdom”

Ellis Parker Butler

“I should never make anything of a fisherman. I had not got sufficient imagination”

Jerome K Jerome

“The number of fishermen today who go out on a boat with the intention of catching fish is very disenchanting. It degrades fishing into a hobby”

Bauvard The Prince of Plungers

“We caught him,” I said. “That’s the fun part.” For us, at least. I doubt the fish would agree”

Kathy Reichstest

To view all fishing quotes and sayings, go here.

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes

Five New Fishing Quotes & Sayings: 20/12/2013

Five more musings on the mysteries, magic and meditations on fishing and things fishy.

“You see? I know where every single book used to be in the library." She pointed to the shelf opposite. "Over there was Catch-22, which was a hugely popular fishing book and one of a series, I believe.”

– Jasper Fforde, Shades of Grey (#1176)

“I hate the outdoors. To me the outdoors is where the car is.”

Will Durst (#1177)

“Fishing is a disease. It’s not usually fatal and there’s no known cure for it, but the therapy is wonderful”

– Peter Carty New Zealand Masters on Fly Fishing (Using Your Experience And Intensity) (#1178)

“I used to like fishing because I thought it had some larger significance. Now I like fishing because it’s the one thing I can think of that probably doesn’t.”

NA (#1179)

“I don’t believe it is wise to underrate the reasoning powers of a fish, or that matter any wild creature…”

– Frank Sawyer (#1180)

Find all 1180 fishing quotes and sayings here.

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes

Five New Fishing Quotes and Sayings: Nov 22 2013

Trolled up from the depths of fishing literature, five more pieces of fishing wisdom. Numbers 1171 – 1175

“Of all the things I have to accept in life, I pray silently that God will never let me know the last time I fish.”

– NA

“The things fishermen know about trout aren’t facts but articles of faith.”

John Gierach

“I’ll be really glad when I’ve had enough of this! ”

– Fred J Taylor (on cold weather fishing)

“Fishing adds years to your life, and life to your years.”

Homer Circle

“It is impossible to grow weary of a sport that is never the same on any two days of the year”

– NA  (Maybe never the same on any two days in a lifetime? – Bish)


See all 1175 quotes

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes

New Fishing Quotes and Sayings 16 Oct 2013: Now 1170

Pithy pronouncements pouring from pens of perceptive piscators:
See all quotes here

“You cannot lose what you never had.”

– Isaac Walton – The Compleat Angler  Quote Num 1166
(Bit of an observation not just about fishing, but including life, the Universe and the whole damn thing.)

“Sight casting requires you to witness your failures, an indignity spared those fishing blind. Perhaps that’s one reason why casting to the current is more relaxing than casting to a fish.”

-  E. Donnal Thomas Jr  – Dream Fish And Road Trips Quote num 1167

“It is axiomatic in fly-fishing that the hottest pattern is always the one you don’t have.”

– Ted Leeson – Inventing Montana Quote num 1168

“A professional fishing guide is defined, in strict terms, as the guy who has successfully convinced his wife he is actually making a living and supporting the family in this pursuit. An excellent guide is one who can come home at night, moan about how hard he worked that day, and talk his wife into giving him a foot rub.”

– Rich Tosches  -  Zipping My Fly Quote Num 1169

“The take to a deep-sunk fly just as it begins to swing across current, followed by the line shearing through water and, often, a trout taking to air a remarkable distance from where the line disappears, is heady stuff indeed.”

– Scott Sadil  Quote Num 1170

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes

New Fishing Quotes and Sayings 17 Sep 2013

Five new quotes and sayings trawled up from the sea of words enveloping our sport.

“If it appears I’m ignoring you it is most likely I’m – busy fishing – thinking about fishing – talking about fishing – reading about  fishing – or I’m just plain not interested in what you are talking about!”
– some brave but not forthcoming soul (1161)

“When it comes to this fishing there is no black and white. It is all gray. The only absolutes have to do with rigging, before you ever get out there.”
– Stu Apte  (1162)

“Somehow you’ve got to get that fly to drift without a tug from your leader. One heartbeat longer is often enough. There’s a fish watching, waiting. Most of them will say yes if you don’t do something that tells them no.”
– Scott Sadil (1163)

“Of all nature’s animated kingdoms, fish are the most unchristian, inhospitable, heartless, and cold-blooded of creatures.”
– Herman Melville (1164)

“Water is the driving force of all nature”.
– Leonardo da Vinci (1165)

To view all 1165  quotes go here.

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes

Five More Fishing Quotes and Sayings: August 28 2013

Just added five more fishing quotes and sayings, bringing the total on the  Quotations page to 1160.

“Look deep into nature and you will understand everything” Albert Einstein (1156)

“Don’t confuse your own incompetence with a fish’s intelligence” Jay Zimmerman (1157)

“At times, it can be like standing under a cold shower ripping up £50 notes. But when you get that bite, it’s just explosive – everyone on the boat is screaming and shouting, the fish is jumping, it’s mayhem. It’s fantastic. You can’t explain it until you’ve done it.” Kevin Gardner talking about big game fishing. (1158)

“Time on a river allows you a different perspective. It is stepping out of everyday life. From there we can see things differently. I’ve been to rivers to celebrate and I’ve been to them in times of need. It is an endless journey, really.” Derek Grzelewski ‘Trout Bohemian’ (1159)

“If you keep at it long enough, one day you may witness some greater disturbance, some rushing breach of the water’s surface so startling and violent and exhilarating that you too will suddenly, and always thereafter, believe in monsters.”
Paul Schullery (1160)

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes

Five New Fishing Quotations and Sayings: Jul 24 2013

Here we go with some wit and wisdom wrapped around fishing – quote numbers 1151 – 1155.

“I can think of nothing material that has been substantively improved for the angler in the past fifty years, except his waders”
– Gordon Wickstrom, Late in an Angler’s Life

“The choice between the rainbow – often easier to hook and harder to land, and the brown – always harder to hook and sometimes easier to land, is a matter of taste and style, and there are no rights and wrongs in the matter.”
– Te Ara Encyclopedia of New Zealand

“One man’s fish is another man’s poisson” 
– Hoo Izit

“Thank you, dear God, for this good life and forgive us if we do not love it enough. Thank you for the rain. And for the chance to wake up in three hours and go fishing: I thank you for that now, because I won’t feel so thankful then.”
– Garrison Keillor

“When I die, I want one of life’s great mysteries revealed to me: if some slob can carry a full 12 ounce can of beer half a mile to stream, why the hell can’t he carry it out when it is empty?”
– R. Chad Chorney, Blood Knot Magazine

Now 1155 fishing quotations here.

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing humour, fishing quotes

Five new fishing quotes and sayings: 12 July 2013 Numbers 1146 – 1150

“There are several kinds of trout liars. The liar of weights, who never catches more than half a dozen trout a day, but they can weigh anywhere from 8 lb. to 10 lb. Then there is the liar of numbers, who always catches so many dozens in an hour and 28 minutes. And there is the liar of places, who knows hidden pools, dark and still, in the secret places of the rocks that are just boiling over with trout … and you fish in them for eight mortal hours without a nibble.”
– Written in 1988, nothing changes

“Humans are the only animals that have children on purpose with the exception of guppies, who like to eat theirs.”
– P J O’Rourke

“If today was a fish I’d throw it back.”

“Like they say, you can learn more from a guide in one day than you can in three months fishing.”
– Mario Lopez (Think this quote may have been more accurate with the insertion of "good" before "guide" – Bish)

“Learning something new about angling always excites my brain—what would take a specific fish, why it was feeding, how to solve an individual angling problem.”
– Nick Lyons

See all 1150 quotes.

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes

Five new fishing quotes and sayings 29 June 2013 – total now 1145

“If you aren’t a fisher you’ll see many things, but the river, except where it is ridden by waterfowl or waded by moose, will rarely enter your thoughts, much less stimulate your spirit.  It’s different if you fish. The surface of the water tells a story….”
– Paul Schullery

“What we are doing to the rivers of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to future generations”
– Inspired by Mahatma Gandhi

“Suddenly "4x" was the latest in a long line of stupid decisions I’ve made in my life”
– Bruce Smithhammer

“Fishing is the lonely sport: for dreamers, star gazers, storm chasers.”
– Alan Harawitz

“Sometimes when the water is quiet…you can almost hear the fish laughing at you”
– Sum Won

See all 1445 fishing quotes and sayings here.

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes

Five More Fishing Quotes and Sayings: 02 June 2013

Five more quotes and sayings on the sport we love – troll through the whole 1140 on my website quotes page.

“Normally people learn to cast, then to cast really far, and finally to cast short and actually fish.”
– Normann Kotzurek, Fishing Guide and Instructor Quoted in Scale Magazine.

“It is well known that no person who regards his reputation will ever kill a trout with anything but a fly. It requires some training on the part of the trout to take to this method.”
-Charles Dudley Warner, as quoted by Nessmuk in Woodcraft and Camping circa 1920

“There is nothing – not friends, not books, not lawyers, guns, or money – nothing can prepare you for this moment when you first stalk a flat scanning for bonefish… because bonefish in the water, for all intents and purposes, are invisible.”
– Dave Ames, Ju Ju Travel

“I fill my life with noise, banging drums on the edge of the abyss… I knew it was time to take off, and go fishing.”
– Charles Rangeley Wilson, Somewhere Else

“There’s just something about watching fish take a surface fly that I can’t get out of my head.”
– Craig Mathews

The quotes above are numbers 1136 through 1140 on the quotes webpage.

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes