A four-part series by Toby Swank (published in OrvisNews.com) to help the adventurous angler with planning a self-guided trip to New Zealand’s South Island.
“I’ve travelled and fished extensively around the South Island of New Zealand over the past nine years, both on my own and as a host for several groups of anglers. I do not guide on these trips because it is illegal for foreigners to work in New Zealand without the proper permits and there is simply no way that I can offer the same level of expertise—in terms of local knowledge and access—as a professional Kiwi guide. However, there are more than enough opportunities for the angler who wants to go it alone, and these articles should help eliminate some of the guesswork, while also helping American (and other NZ visitors – Bish) anglers set some realistic expectations….”
Do-It-Yourself New Zealand, Part II
Do-It-Yourself New Zealand, Part III
Do-It-Yourself New Zealand, Part IV.