Five New Fishing Quotations and Sayings: 24 July 2014

Here we go again, five new pithy and fishy quotations and saying, bringing the total up to 1210.

“Celebrity chefs are the leaders in the field of food, and we are the led. Why should the leaders of chemical businesses be held responsible for polluting the marine environment with a few grams of effluent, which is sub-lethal to marine species, while celebrity chefs are turning out endangered fish at several dozen tables a night without enduring a syllable of criticism?”

– Charles Clover

“Fish,” he said softly, aloud, “I’ll stay with you until I am dead.”

– Ernest Hemingway

“It takes a man who is a thinker. To catch the big one, hook, line and sinker!”


“Floods of humanity, lakes of peace, rivers of gold, the tides of war; all we are and do is linked to the water of life.”

– David Mead

“As with a faint star in the night’s sky, one can better understand fishing’s allure by looking around it, off to the side, not right at it”

Holly Morris

See all 1210 Fishing quotations and sayings…

Posted by Tony Bishop