“In certain circles, it is rumoured that anciently there was a fly pattern that possessed such magical fish-catching mojo that no fish could resist its siren call. A fly with material so secretive that it was said there existed only one source of it hidden high in the Andes of Patagonia on the testicles of a golden Guanaco. A fly pattern so powerful that any angler who should possess it was assured of 100 fish days and to whom women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano. ” #1306
“Keep them wet. Take the ego out of the shot. Then they are everyone’s fish that brings back a wonderful memory.” #1307
“I think the chief part of the ecstasy of fishing with the fly is to be found in the qualities of the fly rod, and if I am right in this, the more exquisite the rod the keener and more perfect the pleasure to be derived from the sport.” #1308
“In the mornings, when the grasses were still wet with a bright silver sheen and the antelope fled and the curlew flew ahead of us as we rattled along the rutted and pitted track across the benches down to the river, we always felt the nervous tingling of expectation.” #1309
“The sun never sets on the brown trout empire.” #1310
All the quotations and sayings about fishing can be found here. You can also find author and publication details, where available.