Five new fishing quotes and sayings: 12 July 2013 Numbers 1146 – 1150

“There are several kinds of trout liars. The liar of weights, who never catches more than half a dozen trout a day, but they can weigh anywhere from 8 lb. to 10 lb. Then there is the liar of numbers, who always catches so many dozens in an hour and 28 minutes. And there is the liar of places, who knows hidden pools, dark and still, in the secret places of the rocks that are just boiling over with trout … and you fish in them for eight mortal hours without a nibble.”
– Written in 1988, nothing changes

“Humans are the only animals that have children on purpose with the exception of guppies, who like to eat theirs.”
– P J O’Rourke

“If today was a fish I’d throw it back.”

“Like they say, you can learn more from a guide in one day than you can in three months fishing.”
– Mario Lopez (Think this quote may have been more accurate with the insertion of "good" before "guide" – Bish)

“Learning something new about angling always excites my brain—what would take a specific fish, why it was feeding, how to solve an individual angling problem.”
– Nick Lyons

See all 1150 quotes.

Posted by Tony Bishop