Yea, I know it has been a little while since the last bag of fishing insight, comment and some wisdom, but the total number of fishing quotes is now up to 1200 and new stuff is getting harder to find. But I soldier on!
“The angling fever is a very real disease and can only be cured by the application of cold water and fresh, untainted air.” 1196
– Theodore Gordon
“Fishing provides time to think, and reason not to. If you have the virtue of patience, an hour or two of casting alone is plenty of time to review all you’ve learned about the grand themes of life. It’s time enough to realize that every generalization stands opposed by a mosaic of exceptions, and that the biggest truths are few indeed. Meanwhile, you feel the wind shift and the temperature change. You might simply decide to be present, and observe a few facts about the drifting clouds…Fishing in a plaons of life… I fish to scratch the surface of those mysteries, for nearness to the beautiful, and to reassure myself the world remains. I fish to wash off some of my grief for the peace we so squander. I fish to dip into that great and awesome pool of power that propels these epic migrations. I fish to feel- and steal- a little of that energy.” 1197
– Carl Safina The View from Lazy Point: A Natural Year in an Unnatural World
“There will be no end to angling controversies for there is no one best way for everyone to fish.” 1198
– Lee Wulff
“It (fishing) engages on so many levels: physically, mentally, even spiritually. You can make it to any level and it will never let you down. There is always more to explore or experience, whether you do it for a few days a year or months and months at a time.” 1199
– Derek Grzelewski Interview with Otago Daily Times
“The river is of the earth and it is free. It is rigorously embanked and bound, and yet it is free. “To hell with restraint,” it says, “I have got to be going.” It will grind out its dams. It will go over or around them. They will become pieces.” 1200
– Wendell Berry
See all 1200 quotes and sayings here