Fly casting can often be improved by slowing down and casting easier

Very good article on casting technique on Gink & Gasoline site:

ā€œRead the title of this post and try to live by it. Itā€™s my attempt in ā€œone sentenceā€, to help fly anglers quickly improve their fly casting, and itā€™s made me twice fly caster and fisherman I am today. Thereā€™s lots more to fly casting than slowing down and casting easier, but if anglers focus on doing both together, they often will find that it can greatly improve their overall technique and control. Ask any professional sports athlete how they maximize their performance and potential, and almost all will reply with excellent technique. Itā€™s no different in fly casting. If you want your fly casting to reach its full potential, you have to first build a strong foundation of fly casting mechanics and principles that you can consistently live by on the water. Iā€™ve found personally that when I take the time to slow down and cast the fly rod with less power, itā€™s much easier for me to focus on the most important element of my fly casting, my techniqueā€¦ [read full article] (Link fixed)

Posted by Tony Bishop