An excellent article on the Sage site about rod breakages and how to avoid them.
“At one time or another in every fly fisher’s life he will find himself quietly looking down at a broken rod. That sinking feeling. Maybe it was a favorite, or maybe it’s the night before a bonefish trip. There are many ways to break a rod and, over the years, I have been guilty of more than my share. Sometimes the fault lies in the rod, but more likely it is operator error.
If you buy a quality rod in today’s market, you can expect that it will come with a “no questions asked” guarantee. The rod maker will repair or replace your rod, but you will be out of commission for a few days or a few weeks and pay a reasonable shipping and handling charge. Here are some of the most common causes of breakage and a few tips for keeping your favorite rods in service….”
Read it here.
Actually, just realised this article pretty closely follows my own post “Ten best ways to break a fly rod” (Link fixed) written way back in 2010.