How to Make Welded Loops on Your Fly-line

by Tony Bishop on September 8, 2012


Good article on making welded loops on the end of your fly line in

I have seen and used this method before and the loop is much stronger than using a nail-knot or similar as tested by Fly Rod & reel magazine in the article.

  Mark Vogt September 22, 2012 at 3:56 pm

Every once in awhile someone does something which truly revolutionizes what had previously very hard.

That’s what you just did.

I’d TRIED my daughters’ flat irons last year – but I’d used it with heat shrink tubing as well, and they were 1 1/4″ wide, and that made it harder…

See YOU use a MUCH smaller (3/4″) iron, and simply apply heat DIRECTLY to the line was like an epiphany – I immediately went out and got a 3/4″ in iron, and went to work. In less than 10 minutes I’d made VERY nice loops (ruined first one) in EVERY FLY LINE I’d recently broke !!!

Nicely done, you. More grease to your elbows.

In exchange I humbly offer my upcoming mono loop onto fly line – watch for it this week on YouTube. It’s not NEARLY as clever as your instructions, but when you’re in the river and lose a loop, it can come in VERY handy.

Very best regards,

Tony Bishop September 22, 2012 at 8:00 pm

Look forward to seeing your mono loop video – let me/us know when it is up.



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