Scale Magazine September 2011 edition

by Tony Bishop on September 1, 2011


This mixture of fly and spin fishing comes out of Germany and there is some really good content there. But, why is it some of these new magazines use such untalented  or inexperienced designers straight out of design school, their heads full of the latest design fashion from the trendy?

Scale features just about  every design trend,  on the planet, mostly inappropriate, all in one issue, sometimes all on one page. Why oh why do some designers seem to delight in making magazines so damn hard to read. Here is the rule – it is unbreakable – form follows function. The first function of a magazine is to be read – hell you can do what you like with the form (design) after you ensure the content is easy to read.

Those of you old enough to remember when page design software first hit PC’s, will shudder at the memory of the truly awful results produced by people who did not have a design clue.  We are seeing this whole catastrophe repeated by people with no design training or skill jumping into the on-line magazine wave. Lets hope we move through this phase real soon now!

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