fishing book

New Book – ‘Fishing Even Smarterā€™

I have finally got my new book to the publisher to be prepped for printing, and on retailers shelves before Xmas.

Here is what the Publisher is saying about ‘Fishing Even Smarterā€™:
“Tony Bishopā€™s first book, Fishing Smarter was first published in 1997, and has been reprinted at least once a year since. Now Tony has completely rewritten the original book and added over 50% more content.

Some changes are simply updates brought about by changes in the technology and equipment. Other changes are in the way the original ideas are presented. Tony admits to many ā€œI wish I had written that betterā€ feelings moments after his first book hit retailerā€™s shelves.

There is plenty of new material too ā€“ new stuff that pops up continually in the fishing world as fishermen share their knowledge. He has tried to separate the current ā€˜fadsā€™ from the things that will have longer-term benefits in increasing catch rates, and separate marketing hype from the truly useful, (much easier now he is no longer in the tackle business!). All the many illustrations are new, drawn by Tony using computer graphics software.

Some things stay the same, ā€œIf it isnā€™t broken, donā€™t fix itā€. “

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing media