5 more quotations, aphorisms, and sayings about fishing and things fishy rolled from the pens of some pretty smart chaps and chapesses.
“Fish too much? Can’t be done.” #1311
“I’ve found the best way to help fish grow is to practise catch and release. Whenever I release A fish it always doubles in size by the time I get home and tell my friends.” $1312
“It is a magical moment when a trout perceives a floating mayfly on the surface, whether a natural or an imitation. All of its lifelong learning experiences with ambushing prey and watching its biological world unfold daily will all boil down to just a few seconds as it decides to accept or reject a fly. The selectivity phases in this book will better help you understand what is going through the trout’s mind in these breathtaking moments.” #1313
“As the angler looks back, he thinks less of individual captures and days than of the scenes in which he fished” #1314
“Small fish, in the hands of someone with small hands, are relatively large” #1315