fishing quotes

5 New Fishing Quotes and Sayings

Five new quotations and sayings on fishing, and anything to do with this pre-occupation or recuperation.penink

“Life is like fishing – you are rewarded for your constancy” #1271

“Sportsmen who elect to assume responsibility for ‘Controlling’ predators seem to me enormously presumptuous. They are saying in effect that the natural world is theirs and all that is in it…fortunately the angler is only a minor offender in these respects. He is almost by definition a close observer and the birds and mammals that follow the creeks and lakes to prey on fish are an integral part of the pleasure. It is obvious that even if he could by killing them the increase the number of fish available to him, he would be reducing the total of his sport” #1272

“Anytime you stand in the middle of the stream,” she said, “and you just get immersed in the water and in nature, and you see God’s gifts and goodness, you cannot not know there’s a Creator.” #1273

“Fishing a small stream is a progression toward refinement and an act of faith that something will be revealed. The river teaches you how to fish it.” #1274

“Streamers, tubes, muddlers – before this trip I used to think that fly-fishing is about pinning a bug on a hook.” #1275

You can see all the quotes here

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes

Five More Fishing Quotes and Sayings

It has been a while I know but to quote John Lennon “Life happens while you are making other plans.” But here, at last, are fishing quotes numbers 1266 – 1270.

“I have never tied a perfect pattern. Every fly has an antic disposition, an errant fiber, or faulty wrap.” #1266

The greatest sight in fishing is the hole where the popping bug used to be.” #1267

It is the fisherman’s way, exploring, and I shall follow such slim promises until I follow no more trails at all.” #1268

Truth can be a slippery notion for anglers who have traditionally been exempt from precise accuracy.” #1269

Soon he was in the regular rhythm of it: cast-and-retrieve, step down, cast again. With each movement, he felt more of the week’s accumulated stress ease out of him, and his spirits rose accordingly.” #1270

See all the quotes, quips, sayings, wit, and a little wisdom about those who fish, fishing, fish, tackle, boats, rivers, lakes, and sea.

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes

More Fishing Quotations and Sayings

So, five more keen observations on the world of fishing and fishermen, enjoy. 

“I only make movies to finance my fishing.” #1261

“The tides control every sea-run cutthroat addict. Each beach is different—some fish best on the rising tide, while others fish best on the falling tide. Learning all this takes some time, but it’s not brain surgery—and this life of living with the tides carries the pulse and music of the planet.” #1262

“A great lie is like a great fish on dry land; it may fret and fling and make a frightful bother, but it cannot hurt you. You have only to keep still, and it will die of itself.” #1263

“Under the right conditions, you can watch a big trout take a fly under—a hundred feet away—and track its radiating waves until they lap against your canoe like a friendly cat” #1264

“Anger was washed away in the river along with any obligation.” #1265

See all the quotes here.

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes

Fishing Quotations and Sayings

Kicking the New Year off with five more fishing quotations; total now 1260.

Fly fishing for trout is a sport that depends not so much on catching the fish as their mere presence and on the fact that you do, now and again, catch some. #1256

It’s a fact that trout can be awfully ignorant of fly fishing’s rich didactic history and all the rules we’ve invented to corroborate our theories of fish behavior. #1257

You can spend an hour or more working on a single trout. I do this regularly. If I catch him, I feel unnaturally elated. If I fail, I tip my cap to him. But it nags at me. I’ve got to believe I’m the one with the bigger brain. #1258

The shadow of sharks is the shadow of death, and they call forth dim ultimate fears. Yet there is something holy in their silence. #1259

The balance of probability, I think, leans to the theory that the trout is so obsessed by the pressure of appetite the he only sees what he wants to see – his supposed insect prey – and ignores the hook as an irrelevant detail, all of which goes to prove that the wily trout of the poets and journalists is – may Providence be devoutly thanked for it – really rather a stupid person. #1260

See all quotes here.

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes, fly fishing

New Fishing Quotations and Sayings

With the addition of 5 new fishing quotations today, the total has now reached 1255. That is an awful lot of wit and wisdom about fishing.

The first quote up today is a real favourite of mine, and in many ways sums up my basic philosophy about fishing.

“Most anglers spend their lives making rules for trout, and most trout spend their lives breaking them!” #1251

“People hunt and fish for a thousand different reasons, but I suspect for many of us with feet planted in both indoor and outdoor realms, it should not be a case of either/or, but both/and.” #1252

“A sense of humor is the most valuable thing an angler can own.” #1253

“Ninety percent of all fishing knowledge is local knowledge.” #1254

“More than half the time, a trout will refuse your fly not because the fly was wrong but because it was not behaving properly.” #1255

See all  fishing quotations here.

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes

5 More Fishing Quotes Posted 26 August 2015

More fishing goodness spilling from wise fishing heads: Total quotes now 1250.

“You can always tell a fisherman, but you cannot tell him much.”

Corey Ford (Number 1246)

“No human activity other than sex and murder has spawned more books than fishing. Many of them seem to bear out the truth of Humphrey’s observation. Luckily for those of us who love both fishing and reading, he exaggerated.”

William G Tapply (Number 1247)

““The literature of angling falls into two genres: the instructional and the devotional,” wrote William Humphrey in his satirical little novel My Moby Dick. “The former is written by fishermen who write, the latter by writers who fish””

William G Tapply (Number 1248)

“Moral: Humility and open-mindedness sometimes catch far more fish than all the wise guys.”

Robert Traver (Number 1249)

“There are hundreds of new streamer patterns the past decade with so many new choices of materials. Many of the newer patterns have eye appeal more for the tying community than the fish!”

Mac Brown (Number 1250)

See all 1250 quotes here.

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing humour, fishing quotes, Fishing Videos

Five New Fishing Quotations and Sayings: 15 April 2015

More musings on the world of fishing and our place in it.

“I personally don’t happen to care a whoop for bass fishing or bass; in fact I loathe it and them; but I have no quarrel with the queer people who do, only a sort of bewildered pity.”

– Robert Travers (Num 1236)

“It is all about having a deep respect for nature, and then tricking nature into eating a plastic frog.” (Num 1237)

“There is no greater symbol of hope than an oversized fishing net.” (Num 2138)

“If we become conceited through great success, some day the trout will take us down a peg.”

– Theodore Gordon (Num 1239)

“Any time a professional fishing writer complains about his job, the world is rightfully licensed to kick his butt until he shuts up and realizes he isn’t exactly leading a life of quiet desperation out there on the Deschutes or the Tay or the Golfo Dulce.”

– James Babb (Num 1240)

See all 1240 quotes here.

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes, fly fishing, Life & Stuff

Five new fishing quotations and sayings: February 20 2015

More insight and introspection on this recreational addiction of ours, which some call fishing. New quotes are numbers 1231 to 1235. See all 1235 fishing quotations and sayings here.

“The outdoor life pleased these old men because they believed any properly obsessed fly fisherman carried the rivers and trout inside him.”
Harry Middleton

“That’s about as big as a fish that big gets”
– A Nonymouse

“There are always new places to go fishing. For any fisherman, there’s always a new place, always a new horizon”
Jack Nicklaus

“Education is important – but fishing is importanter”
Hu Nose

“…water that isn’t fit for trout won’t much longer be fit for us.”
Arnold Gingrich

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing humour, fishing quotes, fly fishing, Life & Stuff

Five New Fishing Quotations and Sayings 19 Jan 2015

Five more fishing quotes and sayings, and the total rises to 1230, all available on the Quotes Page.

Number 1226

“Nothing in this world so enlivens my spirit and emotions as the rivers I know. They are necessities.” – Nick Lyons

Number 1227

“There is a cost to a fish being caught, even if it is promptly released.” – Paul Guernsey

Number 1228

“You did not kill the fish only to keep alive and to sell for food, he thought. You killed for pride and because you are a fisherman. You loved him when he was alive and you loved him after. If you love him, it is not a sin to kill him. Or is it more?” – Ernest Hemmingway

Number 1229

“You are killing me, fish, the old man thought. But you have a right to. Never have I seen a greater, or more beautiful, or a calmer or more noble thing than you, brother.”
– Ernest Hemmingway

Number 1230

“…buying a fly rod in the average city store, that is, joining it up and safely waggling it a bit, is much like seeing a woman’s arm protruding from a car window: all one can readily be sure of is that the window is open.” – Robert Travers

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing humour, fishing quotes, Life & Stuff

5 New Fishing Quotes and Sayings – 21 Dec. 2014

Just put up five new fishing quotes and sayings, hooked and landed from the river of words that flow through the sport we love. Total number of quotes now 1225, see them all here.quill

“The world needs more tackle boxes and less XBoxes”

– Shimano – Number 1221

“She asked me to whisper the three words every girl wants to hear, so I said “Let’s go fishing.”””

– NA – Number 1222

“Fishing is only an addiction if you are trying to quit.”

– NA – Number 1223

“I got 99 problems and fish’n solves all of ’em”

– Earl Dibbles – Number 1224

“In the best stories about fly fishing … big fish are caught or lost; people say wild and spontaneous words; event becomes memory and sometimes, in the hands of a master, bleeds into art”

– Nick Lyons – Number 1225

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes