fishing sayings

Five New Fishing Quotes and Sayings

Five new fishing quotes bring the total up to 1325.

“Strange: when working I think about fishing, when fishing I don’t think about working.” # 1321

“The fishing was so bad even liars didn’t catch anything.” #1322

“I may seem quiet and reserved to you, but if you mess with me while I’m fishing, I will break out a level of crazy that will make your nightmares seem like a happy place.” # 1323

“What do the little fishes do that make the most truthful men untrue?” #1324

“You know when they have a fishing show on TV? They catch the fish and then let it go. They don’t want to eat the fish; they just want to make it late for something.” # 1325

See them all here.

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing humour, fishing quotes, weird fishy stuff

Five New Fishing Quotes and Sayings

Just loaded 5 more quotes and sayings about fishing and things fishy.

“A wise man once said, “F*ck it I am going fishing” – he lived happily ever after.” (1316)

“And, finally, not because I regard fishing as being so terribly important but because I suspect that so many of the other concerns of men are equally unimportant — and not nearly so much fun” (1317)

“If you could marry a super-model or go fishing every day, which would you choose – fresh or salt water?” (1318)

“The art of tying the wet fly rests upon a knowledge of trout-stream insect life, a knowledge of materials used for imitating the insect life, and an ability to select, prepare, blend, and use the proper materials to create neat, durable, and lifelike imitations of the natural insects” (1319)

“Fly fishing is not for everyone – it’s only for people who have a taste for adventure, love the outdoors, and want to feel alive.” (1320)

For more information about the quotes, author, publication details, etc., see them all here.

Posted by Tony Bishop

Five New Fishing Quotations and Sayings

“In certain circles, it is rumoured that anciently there was a fly pattern that possessed such magical fish-catching mojo that no fish could resist its siren call. A fly with material so secretive that it was said there existed only one source of it hidden high in the Andes of Patagonia on the testicles of a golden Guanaco. A fly pattern so powerful that any angler who should possess it was assured of 100 fish days and to whom women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano. ” #1306

“Keep them wet. Take the ego out of the shot. Then they are everyone’s fish that brings back a wonderful memory.” #1307

“I think the chief part of the ecstasy of fishing with the fly is to be found in the qualities of the fly rod, and if I am right in this, the more exquisite the rod the keener and more perfect the pleasure to be derived from the sport.” #1308

“In the mornings, when the grasses were still wet with a bright silver sheen and the antelope fled and the curlew flew ahead of us as we rattled along the rutted and pitted track across the benches down to the river, we always felt the nervous tingling of expectation.” #1309

“The sun never sets on the brown trout empire.” #1310

All the quotations and sayings about fishing can be found here. You can also find author and publication details, where available.

Posted by Tony Bishop

Five New Fishing Quotes and Sayings

More quotes on fishing and fishy things are up now, and the total hits 1300.

“Water is life. It is a precondition for human, animal, and plant life as well as an indispensable resource for the economy. Water also plays a fundamental role in the climate regulation cycle. Protection of water resources, of fresh and saltwater ecosystems and of the water we drink and bathe in is, therefore, one of the cornerstones of environmental protection.” #1296

“Rod held high, you moved down the bank, dragged off into the endless night by a wild creature.  While overhead the Milky Way coursed the sky like a ragged river of stars.”  #1297

“When you pause to reflect on fishing, you often find out that the pursuit of fish has no bearing on your pursuit of fishing, or your enjoyment of the experience”  #1298

“The only fisherman you should try to be better than, is the fisherman you were yesterday.” #1299

“If you don’t know where the fish lie but can cast well enough to cover all of the water with finesse, you are likely to solve the mystery and catch fish. If you know where they lie but can neither reach them nor present the fly naturally, you are not even in the game.” #1300

All the quotes can be seen here

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing humour, fishing quotes

5 New Fishing Quotes and Sayings

Just posted 5 more fishy and pithy quotations and sayings – total now 1295. (New numbers 1291 – 1295)

“To say that it was all just a matter of catching fish would be like saying that astronomy is nothing more than noticing the stars.” #1291

“If, as I suspect, trout fishing is something of a disease, then it is also something of a therapy in itself.” #1292

“There’s only one thing wrong with a fishing day-its staggering brevity.” #1293

“Perhaps it’s true, as Ecclesiastes claims, that nothing is new under the sun, but as the year turns toward another century, here’s hoping the pleasures and gifts that angling brings never end.” #1294

“The line between religion and fly fishing is barely there anyway, and this is most obvious when it comes to proselytizing. I don’t ever start a conversation with the intent of making a convert, but it happens before I know it” #1295

See all the quotes here.

Posted by Tony Bishop in Articles and stories on fishing in general, fishing quotes, fly fishing

5 New Fishing Quotes and Sayings

These five new quotes are numbered 1286 – 1289

“I distrust experts in general and fishing experts in particular.” #1286

“Anticipating drag and dealing with it before the fact is one of the factors that distinguishes those people who always seem to catch more trout than the rest of us.” #1287

“Sometimes, concentrating on some deeply undercut bank, if you were lucky, you could catch a glimpse of something dark and larger than anything your imagination could conjure.” #1288

“The first and last object of the fly-fisher is to show as much of the fly to the fish as possible, and as little of everything else.” #1289

“Fly fishing is a healthy antisocial sport, and many of us have an emotional investment in being misunderstood because it makes us feel strange and brilliant, like Van Gogh.” “#1290

All quotes with more info about them can be found here.

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing humour, fishing quotes, fly fishing

Five New Fishy Quotes and Sayings

More musings on fishing and fishermen.

“The first principle in all fishing is simple: never let the fish know he’s being fished for.”  #1271

“The whole notion of trout fishing would not be so romantic if the trout did not win, too.”  #1272

“I’ve never had all the flies I wanted, probably never will, and couldn’t carry them all if I did.” #1273

“Most fly patterns should be works in progress.” – Lou Tabory #1274

“Confidence is the best lure in your tackle box.” #1275

see all the quotes here

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes

Five More Fishing Quotes and Sayings

It has been a while I know but to quote John Lennon “Life happens while you are making other plans.” But here, at last, are fishing quotes numbers 1266 – 1270.

“I have never tied a perfect pattern. Every fly has an antic disposition, an errant fiber, or faulty wrap.” #1266

The greatest sight in fishing is the hole where the popping bug used to be.” #1267

It is the fisherman’s way, exploring, and I shall follow such slim promises until I follow no more trails at all.” #1268

Truth can be a slippery notion for anglers who have traditionally been exempt from precise accuracy.” #1269

Soon he was in the regular rhythm of it: cast-and-retrieve, step down, cast again. With each movement, he felt more of the week’s accumulated stress ease out of him, and his spirits rose accordingly.” #1270

See all the quotes, quips, sayings, wit, and a little wisdom about those who fish, fishing, fish, tackle, boats, rivers, lakes, and sea.

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes

More Fishing Quotations and Sayings

So, five more keen observations on the world of fishing and fishermen, enjoy. 

“I only make movies to finance my fishing.” #1261

“The tides control every sea-run cutthroat addict. Each beach is different—some fish best on the rising tide, while others fish best on the falling tide. Learning all this takes some time, but it’s not brain surgery—and this life of living with the tides carries the pulse and music of the planet.” #1262

“A great lie is like a great fish on dry land; it may fret and fling and make a frightful bother, but it cannot hurt you. You have only to keep still, and it will die of itself.” #1263

“Under the right conditions, you can watch a big trout take a fly under—a hundred feet away—and track its radiating waves until they lap against your canoe like a friendly cat” #1264

“Anger was washed away in the river along with any obligation.” #1265

See all the quotes here.

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes

Five New Fishing Quotations And Sayings – 23 May 2015

Five more fishing quotations and sayings hooked out of the river of words devoted to the sport we love. Total quotes now 1245, see them all here.

“Everybody should be quiet near a little stream and listen.” (1241)

“Everyone gets hung up in trees or stream-side brush.  Everyone.  Fly fishers who tell you different are either lying or never fish in those tricky places where the best fish lurk.” – Tom Rosenbauer (1242)

“I’d still consider them my favorite angling destinations. Elements contributing to a quality location are highly personal but, for me, mountains and wildness are essential. I like areas where humans vie with wolves and grizzlies for apex predator status. Places where logging hasn’t beaten back nature, where urbanity is nonexistent, and where rivers flow only through rocks, not concrete dams.” – Photographer Adam Tavender (1243)

“Even if you can’t cast very far, you can still catch a lot of fish, writes Chad Shmukler. “The anglers on the stream that aren’t throwing line farther than they need to are often the ones catching the most fish.”” – Chad Shmukler In a recent article on Hatch Magazine (1244)

“It is just as well to remember that angling is only a recreation, not a profession.  We usually find that men of the greatest experience are the most liberal and least dogmatic.” – Theodore Gordon (1245)

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing quotes, fly fishing, Life & Stuff