
Assorted Fishy Weirdness

Is there something in the water? Is there an outbreak of strangeness? Your guess is as good as mine.

Crotch lobster

Oh my. While some folks are hard at work designing new marine protected areas for southern California, others are shoving lobsters down their pants. Stealing lobsters isnā€™t particularly difficult — wardens say itā€™s one of the most common poaching …

Mysterious fish said to eat people in India

Itā€™s called a goonch, and itā€™s a catfish that can get really big and is said to be eating people in India and Nepal. The story is strange. The goonch probably started down the path of eating people by scavenging bodies disposed in rivers in the area,…

Holy Lures!

One of the most amazing fishing tackle stories of all-time centers on a group of Franciscan nuns in Ohio who decided to go into the tackle business. Calling their lures ā€œSt. Peterā€™s Fishing Lures,ā€ they manufactured and sold a line of 16 different …

Trouser Trout Marketing

The Leviā€™s “unleash your beast” campaign encourages web users to create and share with friends animated images of phallic creatures popping out of 501 jeans. The American Decency Association is calling for a boycott.

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing humour, weird fishy stuff

Caught Any? Again!

A girl in ripped t-shirt, tattoos and piercings (obviously a grunge rock fan ) is fishing at the river listening to her iPod.

A guy passes and asks “caught any, love?”

“No,” she replies “Nirvana.”

Another from John R in the UK, well, Ireland to be more specific.

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing humour

Flyfishmagazine: Dont be that guy….

A story for all fishermen, salt and fresh water……

Via MaineToday comes a story of fly fishing conversation etiquette. I think we all have met that guy…
“I caught a 22-inch rainbow yesterday,” he offered, with nothing else. I could see he was waiting for me to, pardon the pun, take the bait.
He waited a few seconds, maybe 10, and took a quick puff of his cigarette.
“Not here, you know.”
I just nodded, and he puffed again.

He then went into a long litany of where heā€™d been fishing, how many fish heā€™d caught and how long they all were. To hear him tell it, heā€™d filled an entire wall with trophy-sized mounts — all from the last six days!

He caught a brown out of China Lake. “You know thatā€™s open, right?”
He caught splake by the bucketful near Bingham. “Theyā€™re all, like, 15-24 inches up there.”
And then there was the rainbow.

“Oh, theyā€™re biting all right. You just got to know where to go.”

I guess the only fisherman I hate to be accosted by as much as the guy above is the old, “Ya should ‘av been here yesterday” guy, who then proceeds to tell you in meticulous detail, why. Just what you need when the fishing today is hard.

Donā€™t Be That Guy

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing humour

Milly and Tedā€™s Big Day Out Fishing – a bit of humour

Over the sixty plus years I have been fishing I have seen many funny things happen, but for some reason, launching a boat at the boat ramp seems to produce the most funny incidents; most as in number and most as in high giggle factor.

A few years ago myself and a number of others watched one of lifeā€™s little dramas unfold on a ramp, and it stuck in the back of my mind for a long time. There just had to be a story behind the story of what transpired on the ramp, so here it is…

Theyā€™d ‘had wordsā€™. Their faces and body language told the story, even to a casual observer.

Millyā€™s face puckered into that ‘I was weaned on gherkinā€™ look, that some women practise to perfection. She stared out to sea, her mind a seething riot, as it reviewed events leading to this situation.

At the top of the boat ramp, Ted stomped about the boat, preparing for the trip. His jaw was clamped, his nostrils flared.

Yes, definitely, trouble at mill. Trouble that began brewing two weekends ago.

Ted was preparing his boat and fishing gear, ready for an early start the following morning. Milly, watching his eager work, fired the first shot, “You think more of that boat and fishing gear, than you do me.” Ted, realising that full-blown hostilities could erupt at any moment, raised the truce flag, “Donā€™t be silly Milly, you know I love fishing, and it should be a good day tomorrow. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m excited.”

The truce held for 3 or 4 minutes, so Ted was beginning to think the truce might hold, when Milly fired another shot. “You used to take me fishing, but you never do now.” Ted thought, “That was thirty years ago, before we had kids, and she said she didnā€™t really like fishing, and she made me put on bait and take fish off hooks, and, and…ā€™

Ted thought that, but instead said, “Would you like to come fishing the weekend after next?” It just popped out, and there was no way of taking it back.

Milly pounced, “Oh, really? Iā€™d love to.”

There it was, set in concrete…..continued here.

Posted by Tony Bishop in fishing humour, Life & Stuff