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Last Updated:
December 10, 2000


News, Views & Information on
Fishing in New Zealand

new2.gif (11099 bytes)Sharpen Up Your Act
Using a sharp knife is the key to making fish preparation easier, and more satisfying. Attempting to fillet fish with a blunt knife is difficult, and dangerous.

Option 4
If you are a New Zealand angler who wants to protect your saltwater fishing rights then you must visit the Option 4 website, read the material and make a submission. Your right to fish is under threat, please act now!

Better Bait Basics
Fishing with bait is the most popular method of saltwater fishing in New Zealand. But buying a block of frozen fish deemed not fit for human consumption to use to attract fish that should be, is not going to optimise your chances of success…

Gimme A Break
Breaking a rod is a serious business, isn’t it?

Where are the Fish?
Fishing where fish are not will pretty much guarantee a quiet day. Regularly finding fish to fish to is one of the most important distinctions between the good and the not-so-good anglers.

No Great Expectations
Sometimes fishing, truly great fishing just pops up when you least expect it. A few weeks ago I had some truly memorable fishing, which I very definitely was not expecting.

Spotting Trout to cast a fly or lure to, can be difficult, that is till you found out – not to look for trout?

The Sharp End
Just why are there so many hook patterns, sizes and styles? Here are a few answers.

More Stuff:
Stories, articles, tips and tricks, on fishing in freshwater and saltwater. Fly-fishing for trout and saltwater species. Fishing for snapper, kingfish, kahawai, and other saltwater fish. Big game fishing for marlin, sharks, tuna, broadbill and more.

More Articles and Stories


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December  2000 Newsletter

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