Fish ID Index

bass garfish groper hapuku kahawai kingfish kingi pilchard pillie piper puka smelt snapper southern kingfish trevally trev yellowtail kingfish

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For a complete view of New Zealand sportfishing species, both salt and fresh water visit
For an excellent article on catching kingfish in New Zealand go to

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Yellowtail Kingfish
Seriola lalandi
Colloquial names: kingfish, kingi, southern yellowtail (mostly by Californian anglers to justify their separate records for the same fish!)
Widely distributed throughout much of the world. Virtually all the world records are held by New Zealand caught fish where they grow to prodigious size. (Except the records for the "Californian yellowtail" which is the same fish, but smaller.Why they have a local record for a world wide fish seems silly?)
Average size (New Zealand): 90-120cm, reaching over 150cm
Weight to over 68kg (150lb), current world record 52kg (115lb)

Fish ID Index