Tips, Tricks
& How-To’s
Keeping fish cold after you catch them
is of extreme importance if you want good quality table fish. Usiing heaps
of ice is the traditional way, but it is not the only way…
Steve Wakley sent me this:
" I enjoy your pages (blush Ed.) and would like to pass on a tip
that I have used for a number of years and it is so easy to make happen.
I simply fill up a number of 2ltr soft
drink bottles with heavilly salted water and freeze. It is an easy task to
throw 3 or four into the fish bin on an outing and doesn’t require a
separate decision to go and buy ice. The salt water allows it to freeze at
a lower temperature and more importantly to release the stored energy at a
lower temperature. These packs stay frozen for hours even without a chilly
Up Your Act
Using a sharp
knife is the key to making fish preparation easier, and more satisfying.
Attempting to fillet fish with a blunt knife is difficult, and dangerous.
Fresh Water
Nymphing the Rip?
Tips & Tricks for fresh water
Deadly new Bead Fly.
Gear up for monster rainbow
Salt Water
Cubing For Snapper
Tips & Tricks for salt water
Frequently asked questions.
Why do fish run when hooked?
Longer rods great for finicky
New dimension for hapuku
(groper) fishing.
Big yellowtail kingfish
You want More? Check out
the stories.

Every month new tips and tricks, and news from the New Zealand fishing scene are
contained in the Newsletter.
For further information, or to commission
Contact Tony Bishop at tony@bishfish.co.nz